www-validator@w3.org from February 2001 by subject

"test licence" before using the validator


302 Found - unexpected?

ANN: Information Validation (check.theinfo.org)

Another common problem to include in the FAQ?

Better browsing

Can someone please explain that error

CVS information

depreciated tags


Error on Validation Page

HTML 4.0 Validation

HTML validator

http://validator.w3.org/check/referer redirecting to document root

Minor Change to HTML Validation Service Form

mirror of validator.w3c.org

Page Valet error?

Paste HTML source?

Problem with parse tree output

Problem with your HTML validation service and XML

Table Validation


that nifty little XHTML1.0 check image

Trouble accessing a Custom .dtd

Trouble with validator

Unix --> NT (source code stuff)

Validating "Input" Tag

Validating RDDL

Validating SSL protected web-pages

Validator confused by commented-out <DOCTYPE>

validator highlighting

validator running under WinNT4 (sp6b) with Apache 1.3.12

Validator should not be interpreting <SCRIPT> tag contents at all

Validator should not be interpreting <SCRIPT> tag contents atall

Validator suggestion

W3C HTML Validator

Last message date: Wednesday, 28 February 2001 19:23:07 UTC