w3c-wai-ua@w3.org from July to September 2000 by subject

"Checkpoint applicability", "Native support", etc.

"Information Design" Alert for Info Professionals

"Primary Content" and "Equivalent Alternative"

"Primary Content", etc.

"Primary Content", etc. - Corrected!

"Primary Content", etc. - Response to Ian Jacobs

1 September UAAG 1.0 Guidelines and Techniques available

18 August draft of User Agent Guidelines / Techniques available

28 July UA Guidelines / Techniques available

29 September draft of UAAG 1.0 Guidelines/Techniques available


7 July UA Guidelines / Techniques available

8.1 Table Note

[Fwd: [webwatch] eWEEK: IE trips up disabled—but help is on way]

[Fwd: Information on support in speech synthesizers of language switching]

[Fwd: RE: Accessible telephone directory]

access to "background sound" objects (issue 297)

Accessibility and Conformance, etc.

Accessibility of Documentation, checkpoint 11.1

Actualidad Cultural

Actualidad cultural en Internet

AdvertExpress - the UK's largest advertising marketplace

AERT and ATAG10-TECHS (using AERT Technique 13.6.1 as an example)

AERT Technique 13.6.1 and the WCA:UA agreements of yore

Agenda Updated

AGENDA: 10 August 2000 UA telconference (2 hours!)

AGENDA: 3 August UA Guidelines teleconference.

AGENDA: W3C User Agent Teleconference 26 September 2000 (extra)

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Guidelines 31 August 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 12 September (Extra telecon)

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 13 July 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 17 August

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 20 July 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 24 July 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 27 July 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 6 July 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 7 September 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Teleconference 14 September 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Teleconference 19 August

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Teleconference 21 September 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Teleconference 28 September

Analysis of Applicability in UAAG 1.0

ANNOUNCEMENT: Draft of the new charter for User Agent Guidelines available


ANNOUNCEMENT: Extra telecon on Tuesday 19 September

ANNOUNCEMENT: Extra Teleconference Call


Antigen found =*.txt file

Are Small Text buttons level 2 compliant

author-defined content vs. "primary" content

BioExchange.com Launches!

Book announcement

Browser inaccessibility in the news

Call for Papers: New international journal UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY

Calling you about UA conformance

Checkpoint 4.6: question about "rewind"

Checkpoint 8.6 (link information)

Checkpoints 7.5, 2.5, 2.6, 1.5, 3.8

Checkpoints 7.5, 2.5, 2.6, 1.5, 3.8 (Suggestion 3)

Comments on draft

Comments on min/max for speech synthesizer voice characteristics

Comments on presentation/structure related to issue 297.

Comments/questions about checkpoint 9.3 (configuration of event notification)

Comments/questions about checkpoint 9.3 (configuration of eventnotification)

Conformance [Was Re: "Checkpoint applicability", "Native support", etc.]

Conformance Issue in the UA group

content terms

Correction - proposal for issue 286 [Was Re: New proposal for issue 287 (volume control)]

Correction on the duration of the extra UA telecon on 24 July

CORRECTION: Agenda 31 August 2000

Definition of Non-Text Content, Etc.

Do You want to earn $3000 or more per month?! Vi hotite zarabativat $3000 i bolee v mesjac?!

Do You want to earn $3000-$4000 or more per month?

Document Navigation Features List

Document Object Model

EDITORIAL: Proposed clarification to checkpoints on highlight ing selection and focus

EDITORIAL: Proposed clarification to checkpoints on highlighting selection and focus

Eduardo Haro Tecglen y Chano Domínguez en elcultural.com

eLearn to Design Information

elements that are active sometimes, and navigating them.

Exporting the DOM

First draft of lists of "important elements" (checkpoint 7.6)

FlowerFunds - Fund Raising Program

Font size for Alt text display

Font size for Alt text display by tool tips (2)

Frequently used functionalities in 10.8 [Was Re: Proposal: Single command input and edits to checkpoints about "easy access" (2.3 and 10.8)]

FTF Meeting Notice (response required)

FYI: [Fwd: Adobe prepares accessible PDF reader]

generator meta tag question

Guidelines Document Acknowledgements (Response Requested)

HCI International 2001

Hello, read this message carefully, please, don't delete it !!!


how to distinguish "important elements" (not just type?)

HTML Usage Question

Information Technology and Disabilities E-journal August 2000

Interesting Information

Internet Based Teaching - August 15, 2000

Isn't X-Link where the Fat Links infrastructure belongs?

Issue with checkpoint 7.5 (search) and serial renderings

Issues about UA Guidelines raised during MAC IE evaluation

keyboard shortcuts in netscape navigator

La Bienal de flamenco en elcultural.com

Lesser role in the UA group

List of last call reviewers

Make $50,000 in 90 Days! Honestly! Here's how..

Management of style sheets

Merged Glossaries (2) from WCAG, AU, and UA

Merged Glossaries from WCAG, AU, and UA (2000-07-07)

minimum duration of sounds

Minutes from 3 August UA Guidelines teleconference

Natural Gas and Propane Consumer Safety Alert

New proposal for issue 287 (volume control)

On Prompt/Notify/Advise/Alert

Part II: Issues about UA Guidelines raised during MAC IE evaluation

Porche Boxter or Luxury Cruise Earn $$$ In Days This Works!!!

Primary content -- OK as a "Fuzzy" Concept?

Problems with downloading the pdf version of the guidelines and techniques

Progress report for User Agent Guidelines Working Group

Proposal for 7.5 [Was Re: Issue with checkpoint 7.5 (search) and serial renderings]

Proposal for 7.5 [Was Re: Issue with checkpoint 7.5 (search) and serial...

Proposal for [structural navigation]

Proposal for checkpoint 7.6 (my action item)

Proposal for checkpoint 9.4 (transfer) [Was: Re: Tim's work items]

Proposal for eliminating two more applicability provisions and adding labeled sets

Proposal for further refinement of audio, video, animation requirements

Proposal for input configuration checkpoint (10.4)

Proposal for level of control of Guideline 3 checkpoints (turn on/off)

Proposal to fix (persistent) problem with priority of check point 6.1

Proposal to fix (persistent) problem with priority of checkpoint 6.1

Proposal to fix checkpoint 4.17 (open viewports)

Proposal to make checkpoint 9.1 for graphical / text viewports only

Proposal to modify checkpoint about easy default access (10.8)

Proposal to modify checkpoint about easy default access(10.8)

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirement for checkpoint 10.4

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirements for checkpoint 4.14

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirements for configuration of selection (Checkpoint 4.13)

Proposal: Single command input and edits to checkpoints abo ut "easy access" (2.3 and 10.8)

Proposal: Single command input and edits to checkpoints about "easy access" (2.3 and 10.8)

Proposal: Single command input and edits to checkpointsabout "easy access" (2.3 and 10.8)

Proposal: Single command input and edits tocheckpointsabout "easy access" (2.3 and 10.8)

PROPOSAL: The meaning of "Easy access" in checkpoint 2.3

PROPOSAL: The meaning of "Easy access" in checkpoints 10.8

Proposals for guidelines 3 and 4

Proposals related to important link information (8.6, 8.7)

Proposed editorial changes to UAAG 1.0 (short)

Proposed edits around freezing motion (3.3, 3.5, 3.6, and 4.6)

Proposed minimal requirements for selection/focus highlight (4.13, 4.14)

Proposed modification to checkpoint 2.7 (identification of language)

proposed re-wording of Ian's 2.7

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Issue 294: Native support and downloadab le modules

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Issue 294: Native support and downloadable modules

Proposed revision of checkpoint 7.6

Raw minutes from 10 August 2000 UA Guidelines teleconf.

Raw minutes from 12 September (extra) UA Guidelines teleconference

Raw minutes from 13 July UA Guidelines teleconference

Raw minutes from 14 September UAWG teleconference

Raw minutes from 17 August UA Guidelines teleconference

Raw minutes from 19 September UA Guidelines teleconference

Raw minutes from 20 July 2000 UA Guidelines.

Raw minutes from 21 September UA Guidelines WG teleconference

Raw minutes from 24 August UA WG teleconference

Raw minutes from 24 July UA teleconference.

Raw minutes from 26 September UA Guidelines WG teleconference

Raw minutes from 27 July 2000 UAAG teleconference.

Raw minutes from 31 August UA teleconference

Raw minutes from 6 July UA teleconference

Raw minutes from 7 September UA Guidelines meeting

RAW MINUTES: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 28 September 2000


Recognize, Suggested Edit

Refinements and additions to minimum set of functions for single command checkpoint

Refinements and additions to minimum set of functions for single command checkpoint (a detail)

Refinements and additions to minimum set of functions for single command checkpoint (bookmarks/favorites )

Refinements and additions to minimum set of functions forsingle command checkpoint (bookmarks/favorites )


regrets for 8/10

Regrets for week of 8/7


REMINDER: W3C WAI User Agent Guidelines Telecon Today

REMINDER: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon Meeting 24 July

Request for clarification about text/color control resolution (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)

Request for clarification about text/color controlresolution (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)

Request for clarification about text/colorcontrolresolution (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)

Request for information: current support for slowing video, audio

request for intergroup coordination

RESOLVED: Checkpoint 2.7

RESOLVED: Delete checkpoint 9.3

RESOLVED: Issue 293 control of time presentations created by scripts

RESOLVED: Wording for checkpoint 2.3

RESOLVED: Wording for checkpoint 7.2

RESOLVED: Wording for checkpoint 8.6

revision to 7.6 & priority levels of 8.4 & 8.5

RSVP: Extra User Agent Telecon Monday 24 July 2000

RSVP: W3C User Agent Telecon 7 September 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Guidelines

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Guidelines 26 September 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 13 July 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 14 September 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 17 August

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 19 September

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 20 July 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 21 September

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 24 August 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 27 July 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 28 September

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 31 August 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 6 July 2000

Scoring Example User Agents, etc.

See-through digital camera

Seeking speech synthesizer min/max capabilities

Seeking speech synthesizer min/max capabilities.

single keystroke commands

smithy tools

So, How in the heck have you been?

Some discussion points for issue 294

speech synthesis

Structural Navigation -- check it out?

SUMMARY: W3C WAI User Agent Guidelines 26 September 2000

SUMMARY: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 17 August 2000

SUMMARY: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 20 July 2000

SUMMARY: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 24 July 2000

SUMMARY: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 27 July 2000

SUMMARY: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 28 September 2000

SUMMARY: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 6 July 2000

Textual Images vs. Styled Text, Round Two *ding*

The Western Web Newsletter

Tim's work items

UA conformance issues

UA Guidelines conflict: All content versus Limited Viewport s (checkpoint 4.16)

UA Guidelines conflict: All content versus Limited Viewports (checkpoint 4.16)

UA meeting schedule

UAAG 1.0 and DOM Level 2 as UAAG 1.0 moves towards last call

user resize SVG objects?

Validity, Applicability, Native Support, etc.

Voice browser meeting

Voice Browser Patent

W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 24 August 2000

Last message date: Saturday, 30 September 2000 09:30:43 UTC