Re: "Checkpoint applicability", "Native support", etc.

"Hansen, Eric" wrote:
> Date: 9 August 2000
> To: UAAG List
> From: Eric Hansen
> Re: "Checkpoint applicability", "Native support", etc.
> ===
> Suggestion 6: Add a checkpoint or so about easy installation for people with
> disabilities.
> We should consider adding a checkpoint or so that requires easy installation
> of user agent software for people with disabilities. It occurred to me that
> this is missing, but it becomes especially important when we consider
> allowing people to analyze multiple user agents as a single one. I have
> further thoughts but will not write them now. I would be happy to discuss.

This is part of checkpoint 5.8:

   5.8 Follow operating system conventions that benefit accessibility. 
       In particular, follow conventions for user interface design, 
       keyboard configuration, product installation, and documentation.

We decided a long time ago to not have a special checkpoint for
installation. Instead, we resolved to include it in 5.8 and to
mention it in the introduction:

   "In order for people to use the user agent at all, 
    the installation procedure (and any subsequent software update
    procedures) must be accessible according to the guidelines 
    of this document. For example, the user agent must provide 
    device-independent access and accessible documentation of 
    the installation."

The idea was that installation required many of the features of this
document to be accessible and that having a checkpoint that said
"Ensure that the installation is accessible" would be like saying
"Conform to this document".

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Thursday, 10 August 2000 11:38:39 UTC