Re: First draft of lists of "important elements" (checkpoint 7.6)

At 2000-07-28 21:48-0400, Ian Jacobs wrote:
>Ian Jacobs wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > As part of determining the minimal requirement [1]
> > for checkpoint 7.6 (navigation to important elements),
> > I sent a proposal [2] to include a list of the important
> > elements for known languages (e.g., HTML, SMIL)
> > in the Guidelines (though it may be more appropriate to
> > have markup language specific information in the Techniques
> > document). Here is a first draft at lists for HTML, SMIL, and SVG.
> >
> > For HTML (drawing from the HTML 4.01 table of elements [3]):
>I forgot MAP!!!

I believe that the lists are at least as important as the paragraphs.
So I'd include both the containers and individual items:
     <dl> and its <dt> and <dd>,
     <ol> and its <li>
     <ul> and its <li>.
Lists are one of the ways to make accessible text alternatives for
otherwise inscrutable tables.


Received on Friday, 4 August 2000 00:52:40 UTC