Re: Proposal to modify checkpoint about easy default access(10.8)

Al Gilman wrote:
> [Discussion, not recommendation...]

Similarly, my comments do not make a recommendation.
> There is still the more general principle that the 
> configuration effort to reach a binding that works for 
> you should be minimized. 

I agree with that. We make the following configuration

1) User must be able to configure (10.4, 10.5, 10.9)
2) User must be able to save configurations (10.7)
3) User must be able to return to the default (10.7)
4) The default must be useful (10.8)
5) The default must not interfere with OS conventions (10.2)
6) Configurations must be documented (10.1, 10.3, 11.3)
7) [Proposed] The default must include at least these

We do not make any requirements on the ease of carrying
out 1, 2, or 3 (those requirements pertaining to user
interaction). The closest we get to that is the
requirement to save the configuration (so you don't
have to go through the same effort a second time). It
wouldn't shock me to complete the equation by requesting
easy of use during as well as after configuration.

However, I don't think that make any requirements that
the UI be easy to use. That seems like new ground to me.
What would the specific accessibility requirements 
be under the general guideline of "ensure that the 
UA is easy to use?" 

The Authoring Tool Guidelines [1] includes some
requirements along these lines:

 >  5.1 Ensure that functionality related to 
 >      accessible authoring practices is naturally 
 >     integrated into the overall look and feel 
 >     of the tool. 

  5.1 is not really about ease of use, it's about

 > 5.2 Ensure that accessible authoring practices 
 >     supporting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 
 >     1.0 [WCAG10] Priority 1 checkpoints are among 
 >     the most obvious and easily initiated by the author.

  5.1 is about ease of use of those features that promote
  accessible authoring, but not about all features.
  Guideline 7 is not particularly about ease of use,
  but more about functional requirements of the tool's
  user interface.

 - Ian


Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Saturday, 29 July 2000 15:47:19 UTC