from August 2010 by thread

[whatwg] some questions regarding clipboard event / clipboard data API Hallvord R M Steen (Wednesday, 1 September)

[whatwg] default audio upload format (was Fwd: The Media Capture API Working Draft) James Salsman (Tuesday, 31 August)

[whatwg] Video with MIME type application/octet-stream Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 31 August)

[whatwg] [html5] r5399 - [giow] (2) Define option.selected; make <option disabled selected> still get sel [...] Simon Pieters (Tuesday, 31 August)

[whatwg] @srcdoc and default @sandbox Tab Atkins Jr. (Monday, 30 August)

[whatwg] [html5] r5307 - [giow] (0) use vendor--feature instead of _vendor-feature since Apple engineers [...] Simon Pieters (Monday, 30 August)

[whatwg] Which differences between <embed> and <object> zhao Matt (Saturday, 28 August)

[whatwg] Why is the feature "Web Storage" removed from HTML5 Spec? zhao Matt (Saturday, 28 August)

[whatwg] Have tabstrip / tab elements been discussed? E.J. Zufelt (Saturday, 28 August)

[whatwg] oninput for contentEditable Ojan Vafai (Saturday, 28 August)

[whatwg] Cache manifests and cross-origin resources Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 27 August)

[whatwg] Allow Select SVG Elements In <head> Hugh Guiney (Friday, 27 August)

[whatwg] Bug: "Error: XHTML element noscript not allowed as child of XHTML element head in this context." Hugh Guiney (Friday, 27 August)

[whatwg] Proposal for a modal element E.J. Zufelt (Thursday, 26 August)

[whatwg] Clarification on @srcdoc referrer and base URL Justin Schuh (Thursday, 26 August)

[whatwg] Firing popstate for all history entry changes Mihai Parparita (Wednesday, 25 August)

[whatwg] base64 entities Adam Barth (Wednesday, 25 August)

[whatwg] SRT research Philip Jägenstedt (Wednesday, 25 August)

[whatwg] The Attributes of the script element Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 25 August)

[whatwg] Two propositions for the autofocus attribute Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 25 August)

[whatwg] Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] Please consider adding "timeref" attribute to <del> and <ins> elements Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] HTML6 Doctype David Bruant (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] [html5] r4949 - [giow] (0) The CSS rules need to do attribute value matching consistently across [...] Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] Changing punctuation value of input element in telephone state Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] Please consider allowing <del datetime> and <ins datetime> attribute to accept only a date Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] HTML5 XML ISLAND ELEMENT Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] HTML5 Input (Color) Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] Questions about script attributes in HTML5 Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] location.reload() on documents Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] Should events be paused on detached iframes? Ben Lerner (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] SRT research Philip Jägenstedt (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] HTMLMediaElement timeupdate when starting new load Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] HTMLMediaElement.preload and stalled event Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 24 August)

[whatwg] Clarification on canceling events Andrew Oakley (Monday, 23 August)

[whatwg] Installable web apps Aaron Boodman (Saturday, 21 August)

[whatwg] question about canvas globalCompositeOperation Silvia Pfeiffer (Saturday, 21 August)

[whatwg] required attribute in label WhatWg (Saturday, 21 August)

[whatwg] More YouTube response Ian Hickson (Saturday, 21 August)

[whatwg] Volume and Mute feedback on <video> Ian Hickson (Friday, 20 August)

[whatwg] time element use cases for less specific datetime values Oli Studholme (Friday, 20 August)

[whatwg] A standard for adaptive HTTP streaming for media resources Ian Hickson (Friday, 20 August)

[whatwg] On implementing videos with multiple tracks in HTML5 Ian Hickson (Thursday, 19 August)

[whatwg] Bluetooth devices Don Rosen (Thursday, 19 August)

[whatwg] Narendra Sisodiya has invited you to use Google Talk Narendra Sisodiya (Wednesday, 18 August)

[whatwg] Clarifying the use and requirements of Data URL Peter Beverloo (Wednesday, 18 August)

[whatwg] Video with MIME type application/octet-stream Julian Reschke (Wednesday, 18 August)

[whatwg] Timestamp from video source in order to sync (e.g. expose OGG timestamp to javascript) Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 18 August)

[whatwg] <script> features John J Barton (Tuesday, 17 August)

[whatwg] Case canonicalization for reflected enumerated attributes limited to known values Aryeh Gregor (Tuesday, 17 August)

[whatwg] scrollIntoView() Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 17 August)

[whatwg] scrollIntoView() Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 17 August)

[whatwg] Using BugZilla for non-W3C spec issues Julian Reschke (Tuesday, 17 August)

[whatwg] <script> features Jonas Sicking (Tuesday, 17 August)

[whatwg] [html5] r5307 - [giow] (0) use vendor--feature instead of _vendor-feature since Apple engineers [...] L. David Baron (Tuesday, 17 August)

[whatwg] Proposal for secure key-value data stores Ian Hickson (Monday, 16 August)

[whatwg] Bluetooth devices Don Rosen (Monday, 16 August)

[whatwg] Additional onxxxx event attributes for DOM Level3 Events Hajime Morita (Monday, 16 August)

[whatwg] Thoughts and feedback on HTML5 drag and drop API David Bruant (Sunday, 15 August)

[whatwg] Proposal: Add HTMLElement.innerText Adam Barth (Saturday, 14 August)

[whatwg] Please (re)consider explicitly allowing marking up speaker names with <cite> (new information) Tantek Çelik (Saturday, 14 August)

[whatwg] A couple questions about the Web Storage spec David John Burrowes (Friday, 13 August)

[whatwg] pushState and session history issues Ian Hickson (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] HTML5 Drag-and-Drop Specification: dragenter Jason Gross (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] About bypassing caches for URLs listed in Fallback and/or Network section in a HTML5 Offline Web Application Ian Hickson (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] Appcache feedback (various threads) Ian Hickson (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] Treatment of negative values for li Aryeh Gregor (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] (deferred) script tags with document.write built in Ian Hickson (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] Please disallow "javascript:" URLs in browser address bars Charles Iliya Krempeaux (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] Please disallow "javascript:" URLs in browser address bars Ian Hickson (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] typeMismatch for type=number (Re: Input color state: type mismatch) Ian Hickson (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] Minor editorial fix: Section 4.6.9 The time element - first example needs update Tantek Çelik (Thursday, 12 August)

[whatwg] Javascript: URLs as element attributes Cris Neckar (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] Web Workers Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] iframes with potential for independent navigation controls Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] Scrollable Tables and HTML5 Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] Javascript: URLs as element attributes Boris Zbarsky (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] push/replaceState interacting with POSTs Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] postMessage's target origin argument can be a full URL in some implementations Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] Please consider <time> syntax processing improvements for better DRY and thus more accurate data over time Tantek Çelik (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] Canvas "coordinate space units" Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 11 August)

[whatwg] Communicating between different-origin frames Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Proposal: @srctype or @type on <iframe> Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Default value of "complete" attribute on new Image objects Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Adding descent to TextMetrics Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] HTML5 (including next generation additions still in development) - Mozilla Firefox (Not Responding) Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Clarification request for charset/characterSet/defaultCharset Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Iframe dimensions Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Should be [Replaceable]? Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Resolutions meta tag proposal Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] input type="location" proposals Christoph Päper (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] [html5] r5258 - [e] (0) Some more references to UTF-8. Tab Atkins Jr. (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] select element should have a required attribute Jesse McCarthy (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Question on iframe.srcdoc address (about:srcdoc) Justin Schuh (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Allowing ">" in attribute values Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] When are sandboxing flags set? Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 10 August)

[whatwg] Navigation maturation and event loops Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Element level XML and XSL attributes Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] a element and .text Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] input type="location" proposals Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Serialization of boolean content attributes Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] HTML5 video <source> dimensions and bitrate Zachary Ozer (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] idea about html code security anti xss Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Don't throw for HTMLInputElement.files Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Please consider impedance matching <time> and datetime <input> types Tantek Çelik (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Proposal for a widget tag Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] getSelection() in a display:none iframe Ojan Vafai (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Problems with the Atom Conversion algorithm. Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] select required Jon Barnett (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Please consider adding a couple more datetime <input> types - type="year" and type="month-day" Andy Mabbett (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Please consider adding a couple more datetime <input> types - type="year" and type="month-day" Andy Mabbett (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Please consider adding a couple more datetime<input> types - type=year and type=month-day (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] input type=ink proposal Mikko Rantalainen (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] proposal - link relations: rel="prefetch" to be exchanged for a boolean attribute Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Prefetch issues Ian Hickson (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Please consider adding a couple more datetime <input> types - type="year" and type="month-day" Andy Mabbett (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Please consider adding a couple more datetime <input> types - type="year" and type="month-day" Andy Mabbett (Monday, 9 August)

[whatwg] Please consider adding a couple more datetime <input> types - type="year" and type="month-day" Tantek Çelik (Sunday, 8 August)

[whatwg] text-format discussion from today's call Silvia Pfeiffer (Sunday, 8 August)

[whatwg] Please consider allowing the <time> element to accept coarser granularity dates Tantek Çelik (Saturday, 7 August)

[whatwg] Fwd: Discussing WebSRT and alternatives/improvements Silvia Pfeiffer (Saturday, 7 August)

[whatwg] XMLHttpRequest and HTML5 Anne van Kesteren (Saturday, 7 August)

[whatwg] Timed tracks for <video> Silvia Pfeiffer (Saturday, 7 August)

[whatwg] input type=ink proposal Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 August)

[whatwg] input type=upload (not just files) proposal Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 August)

[whatwg] IDL attribute reflecting enumerated attributes not limited to only know values Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 August)

[whatwg] WebSockets feedback Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 August)

[whatwg] WebSocket: garbage collection Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 August)

[whatwg] WebSockets: why boolean return value for send()? Ian Hickson (Friday, 6 August)

[whatwg] Feedback on the Mozilla FullScreen API proposal Simon Fraser (Thursday, 5 August)

[whatwg] Non-blocking SVG Canvas? Kevin Ar18 (Thursday, 5 August)

[whatwg] Discussing WebSRT and alternatives/improvements Silvia Pfeiffer (Thursday, 5 August)

[whatwg] [br] element should not be a line break Thomas Koetter (Thursday, 5 August)

[whatwg] What is not possible with HTML5 Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Why is DOMContentLoaded event not bubbling? Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] bubbling events on labels Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Sort child nodes of a DOM node. Jon Barnett (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] 'Main Part of the Content' Idiom Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Sort child nodes of a DOM node. Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Form validation against invisible controls Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Why there is no wrap="off", intentional or forgotten? Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] the HTML-to-Atom mapping definition Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] "entry script" Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection Alex Russell (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Channel Messaging (is it broadcast allowed?) JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] [br] element should not be a line break Thomas Koetter (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Questions about the progress element Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] CSS2 system colors in legacy color values Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] HTML resource packages Justin Lebar (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Built-in image sprite support in HTML5 Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] <INCLUDE> and links with @rel=embed Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 4 August)

[whatwg] Window events that bubble? Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Java language bindings for HTML5 Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Element-related feedback; attribution element Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] HTML5 Offline web applications & file upload Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] The form attribute (Association of controls and forms) Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] [html5] A <ui> Tag? Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Paragraphs in blockquotes Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] getElementById Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Avoiding new globals in HTML5 ECMAScript Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Security thoughts Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] syncronous device upload Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Various forms-related comments Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Please consider making <summary> more generic/flexible (or renaming) Tantek Çelik (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] meta="encrypt" tag is needed Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Simple Links Bjartur Thorlacius (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] [URL] Starting work on a URL spec bjartur (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Proposal for an addition to the authoring guidance regarding the alt attribute Markus Ernst (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] "Content-Disposition" property for <a> tags James May (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Expanding the cite element Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Input URL State and Files object Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Questions about meter element Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] RFC: <input type="username"> Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] suggestion for HTML5 spec Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] definition of :link and :visited should allow flexibility Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] Should :default apply to checkboxes, radios, and options? Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] :checked should match selected option elements Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] The real issue with HTML5's sectioning model Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 3 August)

[whatwg] [canvas] getContext & multiple contexts Ian Hickson (Monday, 2 August)

[whatwg] Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection Jonas Sicking (Monday, 2 August)

[whatwg] Proposal for Web Storage expiration Nicholas Zakas (Monday, 2 August)

[whatwg] Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection And Clover (Monday, 2 August)

[whatwg] "Content-Disposition" property for <a> tags Jeremy Keith (Monday, 2 August)

[whatwg] [OT] OpenWebIndia Narendra Sisodiya (Monday, 2 August)

[whatwg] Please consider dropping the "sandbox" attribute from the <iframe> element Tantek Çelik (Monday, 2 August)

[whatwg] Race condition in media load algorithm Chris Pearce (Monday, 2 August)

[whatwg] Regarding Downloading a webpage. Narendra Sisodiya (Sunday, 1 August)

[whatwg] Please consider simplifying authoring guidance for the <img> alt attribute Tantek Çelik (Sunday, 1 August)

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 August 2010 23:24:17 UTC