[whatwg] Appcache feedback (various threads)

On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:29 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
>> These quotas are often global, some kind of user setting, or are 
>> per-origin. Application Caches are missing such a quota.
>> The entire "Disk Space" section of Web SQL Databases could equally apply 
>> to Application Caches: http://dev.w3.org/html5/webdatabase/#disk-space
> I suppose that's not unreasonable. I've added a similar section to the 
> appcache section.

Excellent. The text [1][2] looks great.

>> The likely behavior would be the user agent emits an "error" event. 
>> However, storage limits are not specified in the spec as an error 
>> condition: 
>> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/offline.html#event-appcache-error
> In general the specification does not specify behaviour in handling 
> constraints of the operating environment (e.g. out of memory, out of disk 
> space). I've added some generic handling for this. We can add more 
> detailed error reporting in a future version if there are good reasons to 
> do this.

Good to know. Thanks.

- Joe

[1]: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/offline.html#disk-space
[2]: http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=5286&to=5287
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Received on Thursday, 12 August 2010 20:23:58 UTC