[whatwg] input type="location" proposals

On Fri, 18 Jun 2010, Eitan Adler wrote:
> Two separate use cases
> 1) For entry of locations into something like Google Maps or MapQuest. 
> In this case the form should look as it does now (a text box) but 
> browsers would be able to assist you in entering locations like it can 
> for for emails.
> 2) For entry of Lat/Long coordinates which can be entered either 
> manually or with some kind of map like interface.
> These are two separate proposals and I both could co-exist one as 
> type="location" and the other as type="gps"

Could you give some examples of sites that would use this, and examples of 
how they're working around the lack of this feature currently?

On Sun, 20 Jun 2010, Eitan Adler wrote:
> For type="gps" I was thinking something like the following:
> 1) type="gps" results in a (double?) text box which takes a latitude
> and a longitude
> 2a) there is some css option that tells the text box to act like a map instead.
> 2b) If the css option is on there is also some method of requesting a 
> "map source" this source could be any existing map provider
> Then again now that I think about it some more I don't see this working 
> out too well.

Does this solve a problem that two type=number controls wouldn't solve?

On Fri, 25 Jun 2010, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
> I think it's quite a fringe case. What about things that are more used:
> * type=number - a browser could aid input with some sort of spinner
> * type=price - a browser could use the locale to select a monetary 
> format, or at least display the amount in the locale format specified by 
> the document itself
> These are just a couple that I think would potentially be more useful 
> than type=location, as I see their use quite a lot. The price one is 
> probably more reserved to CMS's and auction sites, but these are fairly 
> common enough in use I feel. Number could be used for a whole plethora 
> of cases, such as a quantity amount in a shopping cart, an age field in 
> a form, or anything else where you might need a number that wouldn't 
> necessarily be sensible to use a type=range for.

Well we have type=number. I don't know that type=price would be _that_ 
useful; mostly prices are output, not input.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
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Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Monday, 9 August 2010 16:45:51 UTC