from July 2012 by subject

"Logged in with fedsocweb"

Anonymity and multiple identities

Case for Academia (was Re: The Case for the Federated Social Web)

Distributing the user interface for social networks

Fwd: building ostatus bridges for facebook, twitter, and google+

Let's blow some new life into this community group

Network identity / brand

Oauth 2.0 ... wasted time? Eran Hammer left the working group

one-way sameAs and friendOf links

OSCON meetup

OStatus bridges for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+

parsing documents that describe users

R: users vs topics

Sorry, I can't seem to unsubscribe.

The "polyglot" approach to fedsocweb

The Case for the Federated Social Web

the possible impact of future changes in webfinger (was Re: Anonymity and multiple identities) and browser apps (was Re: Distributing the user interface for social networks)

users vs topics

Last message date: Monday, 30 July 2012 12:11:52 UTC