Re: Distributing the user interface for social networks

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:29 PM, Maciej Dabrowski
<> wrote:
> - how to preserve privacy in similar scenarios? (i.e. Amazon should access
> my activity at orbitz to be able to provide those recommendations)

the way i see this is none of my data should 'live' at orbitz, my data
should live on my home node. so orbitz requests (via either OAuth or
Web Intents) to post data to my recent browsing history in general, or
better, to both my calendar, my personal bookkeeping data, and my map
layers, so that i have the flight information already saved to my
calendar, with a reference to the geolocation, and a note saying on
this day i spent so much on that. it could also save an entry to my
"topics discussed" notebook, posting bookmarks into my browsing
history, and maybe adding some tags like 'travel to Thailand'. maybe
this is something that could go into my activity stream as well.

now when i visit amazon, amazon asks to see my recent browsing
history, either via OAuth or via Web Intents, or since it's the
browser, and we're in the browser, it could request elevated
permissions to the Web API, to see the browsing history of the current
device. but maybe that's not the best approach here.

anyway, my point is amazon and orbitz should never be talking to each
other about me, they should be talking to me about me.

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 08:33:20 UTC