- From: elf Pavlik <perpetual-tripper@wwelves.org>
- Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 06:36:47 +0000
- To: public-fedsocweb <public-fedsocweb@w3.org>
Excerpts from Michiel de Jong's message of 2012-07-09 05:51:05 +0000: > On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@openlinksw.com> wrote: > > Yes, URI everything and everything is Cool! > > sure, but would you propose it as a brand? Reading back, we've > mentioned the following "brands" for the identity of fedsocweb as a > network, both as candidates for the phrase "Are you on X?" and for the > phrase "What is your X?": > > fedsocweb > FedSocNet > Web > FSW > FedSocWeb ID all this FedSocWeb sounds like a weird mouthful ;) I wouldn't get too attached to it > Node to generic, and node.js squats this term a bit now :( > WebID sounds great but occupied by quite well specified protocol which at this moment uses HTTP URLs > NetID hmmm... quite nice and short > user address i feel alergic to this whole 'user' mania... do you really want to think of YOURSELF as a user? > URI (not sure if this was a serious proposal or just a remark) I would consider terms like: Online Account Web Account Internet Address or other variation using terms 'Account' and 'Address' with this whole ID i somehow feel bit sceptic, on the other side terms like 'Profile' or 'Persona' sound bit more liberal ;) > > and for the identifier string format we have discussed: > user@host yeah this one sounds like very well established and used from email address i like generic acct: scheme proposal since it makes them a valid URIs > http(s)://host/path/to/user (s) appreciated :) > either user@host or http(s)://host/path/to/user > =markus, =>markus, !markus, @<nickname> no offence but =markus feels to me a bit like 'polluting' a global namespace ;) > =markus.com, <markus.com>, %markus.com, *markus.com, markus*com @markus.tld already might work with xmpp, at some point i have suggested making it a valid webfinger but have heard quite strong objections on WF mailing list > and i would like to add an option (for discussion's sake): firstName > lastName [city [other details]], that's to say, plain text search. I use name: Pavlik title: elf and fullName: elf Pavlik no first/last Name :) once can reference me in unique way using: perpetual-tripper@wwelves.org (email, xmpp, sip, webfinger) again acct: scheme might come handy here for URIfulness... (maybe one day I cold use it for my WebID as well) besides that I would like to start using digital signatures more and more! oh and I also always try to use this identifier in my VCS commits... plus have my FROM request header in browser set to it as well :p choosing to not accept any nationality sometimes i feel bit frustrated when an online form requires* me to choose some country, i don't believe in countries and even get better and better with not using country names to not propagate this human made fantasy/ideology which i don't agree to participate in.. i believe The Web (+of trust) can support us in moving on from those 'innovations from dark ages'... cities no problem with names but lets keep in mind that some people live more settled lives and some people live more nomadic, at this moment i can say living on European Continent (geographical reference no some EU fantasy) and once we move on from those borders/state IDs i very likely may go more - living on: Planet Earth =) ~ elf Pavlik ~
Received on Monday, 9 July 2012 06:37:14 UTC