On 9 July 2012 11:22, Michiel de Jong <michiel@unhosted.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Melvin Carvalho
> <melvincarvalho@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> IMHO, fedsocweb forking away from the webfinger effort would lead to
> >> total chaos and nothing getting built, and i think you know that, so
> >> it puzzles me a bit why you keep doing this, it seems so destructive?
> >
> > It's really up to each individual project to choose their stack and build
> > projects around that.
> Sure, each individual project can choose their own stack, but there
> are several projects here willing to cooperate in all choosing the
> *same* stack, so that we can all federate with each other.
You will never convince everyone on the web to use the same stack. The
important word in "Federated Social Web" is "Web". The common ground is
always going to be HTTP.
If webfinger emerges as a useful technology (ive stated above where I think
that might be), so much the better, it's something I look forward to. But
in truth it is a bet, and we probably need to wait another year to see if
it takes off.