Re: the possible impact of future changes in webfinger (was Re: Anonymity and multiple identities)

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Melvin Carvalho
<> wrote:
>> IMHO, fedsocweb forking away from the webfinger effort would lead to
>> total chaos and nothing getting built, and i think you know that, so
>> it puzzles me a bit why you keep doing this, it seems so destructive?
> It's really up to each individual project to choose their stack and build
> projects around that.

Sure, each individual project can choose their own stack, but there
are several projects here willing to cooperate in all choosing the
*same* stack, so that we can all federate with each other.

Received on Monday, 9 July 2012 09:22:37 UTC