Re: Distributing the user interface for social networks

On 09/07/12 23:30, Michiel de Jong wrote:
> Hi Evan,
> I like this because it's a simple solution to an important problem we
> currently have. i think another solution to the same problem is
> WebIntents, and obviously remoteStorage can also solve it, but they
> are more generic solutions to a wider set of problems each, and i
> think it would be good to experiment also with a more specific
> solution like the one you describe.
> it does mean that you have to type in your user address into the
> widget. so there WebIntents have an advantage because you would
> presumably have your home node in your installed apps, so that its
> share intent is always registered.  but i understand if you think
> webintents is too experimental still at this point (only chrome does
> it natively so far, and few people use browser-installed apps still).
I was also thinking about Webintents while I was reading the cases. They 
are still experimental so we will see..

I really like the idea of a widget providing access to all the federated 
identity providers. However, there is the security issue. At the end, 
you are authorizing the widget provider, who is the one who makes the 
publication, but not page that includes the widget. Need more experience 
here also.

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2012 10:01:57 UTC