Re: the possible impact of future changes in webfinger (was Re: Anonymity and multiple identities)

Hmm this came out today:

"The .well-known/index Mechanism"

It says SWD is "far better" than WebFinger, and it proposes a new method.

Apparently you hash the identifier, e.g. if your identifier is

Then you do a GET on

And the discovery information is sent to you in HTTP headers of the


On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Michiel de Jong <>wrote:

> Daniel Harris, thanks for your interest! As soon as these email
> threads lead to some conclusions we'll consolidate them on the wiki
> (for now it's too much in flux i would say).
> Melvin, as I already said, I agree with Dan that we should build stuff
> even if there is a risk that not 100% of what we put in there will
> crystalize, or will crystalize in the forms we use today. You seem to
> be saying that webfinger is useful but there are better alternatives.
> So let's look at what those candidate alternatives are, and evaluate
> each one.
> On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Melvin Carvalho
> <> wrote:
> > I think pretending that your solution is the ONLY solution is inaccurate.
> > There's lots of great technology on the web, and on
> > the social web, and may the best systems win.
> i'm not saying it's the only building block, i'm just saying it plays
> a unique part in the puzzle. and actually you're right that this is a
> slight simplification of the current state of affairs, because I
> actually know of 4 alternatives (see below), but they are not the ones
> you mention.
> > Webfinger should be a standard by now
> [...]
> > In the meantime linked data, and for example facebook open graph, have
> > become standards and have been adopted by 10's of millions of sites, as a
> > way of discovering information.
> that suggests that you see linked data and facebook open graph as
> alternatives to webfinger, which IMHO they are not. First of all,
> webfinger is (or wants to be) part of linked data. it's a specific
> type of linked data where the data that is being linked is not
> election results, or marmelade ingredients, but user profiles on the
> social web.
> Facebook open graph is another thing (i'm hesitant to call a
> vendor-specific API a standard) that is based on and part of linked
> data. It's a specific type of linked data where the data that is being
> linked is not user profiles on the social web, but user profiles (and
> group pages etcetera) on Facebook.
> So i think we are using linked data by definition (it's the web of
> data), and Facebook's api is one substituent part, and webfinger is
> another substituent part. So i think your view and my view are fully
> compatible. linked data, facebook and webfinger all have their place
> in the edifice.
> Now as to alternatives to webfinger, which is the main question here,
> let's see what choices we have. So to define what constitutes an
> alternative to webfinger, let's define the following requirements:
> 1 - it must be a scheme that given some sort of human-memorable ASCII
> string, always produces the same structured data object.
> 2 - the human-memorable ASCII string should be understood by users to
> have a one-to-one mapping to online identities
> 3 - there should be no centralized control on minting these strings,
> other than DNS which we are sort of bound to already any way, by
> virtue of being on the web.
> 4 - the person who operates a specific online identity, or (in case
> DNS is used) the sysadmin of the domain this online identity belongs
> to should have control over the contents of said structured data
> object.
> So facebook open graph does 1, 2 and 4, but not 3, so it doesn't
> qualify as an alternative to webfinger.
> You could use URLs of foaf documents directly or in client-side certs,
> which would satisfy constraints 2,3 and 4, but not constraint 1.
> The three scheme i know of which you could use, are xmpp disco,
> mozilla persona profile, and simple web discovery. Of these, simple
> web discovery is being merged into webfinger, and these are no longer
> considered 2 competing protocols, rather the question is which
> features of each will make it into the next format. but we can follow
> the decision of IETF on that, it would not be constructive to go mount
> a parallel process for that right now.
> Xmpp disco is a valid alternative to webfinger i think, but the
> downside is that it cannot be accessed from the browser, which is why
> i would think it's better to at least also always offer webfinger.
> Mozilla persona profile data is meant to travel from IdP to RP only
> via the user's in-situ consent, which means it cannot be used to host
> a public profile - it's more of a way in which the browser remembers
> form data while you are interacting with the web, than a part of your
> online presence on the web.
> And then there is the option of doing nothing, and not defining a
> unified preferred way to refer to a user. That, i think, can only lead
> to silo's, which is what we're seeing now.
> So as far as i can see the only two realistic options are webfinger
> and xmpp disco. Of these, i would prefer webfinger.
> Does that make sense? let me know if you see any other options that
> would match the 4 requirements i mentioned, or if you think those 4
> requirements are flawed.
> Cheers!
> Michiel

Received on Sunday, 8 July 2012 18:27:54 UTC