lc-issues updated (30-apr)
Thursday (01 May) QAWG telecon agenda
Re: OpsGL CP5.3 & "TM License"
proposed revision of publication plan
MS and LR Action Item on Issue 97
Telcon minutes
Thursday (01 Mayl) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- Regrets for Thursday (01 Mayl) QAWG telecon
- Re: Thursday (01 Mayl) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- Re: Thursday (01 Mayl) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
LC-82 -- illustrate OpsGL scope
reopening TM License issue
update issue #95 (is GL3 a DoV?)
DRAFT QA WG Telconf - 2003-04-28
first OpsGL issue group
lc-issues updated (28 april)
CP3.1 editorial comment
Monday (28 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Next QA face-to-face meeting, June 2003
Draft minutes of April 21 teleconference
Monday (28 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
lc-issues updated (25 april)
lc-issue groups UPDATED (25-apr)
Bridge for Thursday 11am (1st May)
discussion of LC comments on Extensions
Final Minutes of 18-April-2003
TestGL WD for review
IG and WG list
Final Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference
KD Action Items completion
next week extra telecon [2nd REQUEST]
- Re: next week extra telecon [2nd REQUEST]
- Re: next week extra telecon [2nd REQUEST]
- Re: next week extra telecon [2nd REQUEST]
Final Minutes of QA WG Teleconference 2003/04/10
Final Minutes of QA WG Teleconference 2003/04/07
profiles/modules/levels -- 2 of 2
profiles/modules/levels -- 1 of 2
- Re: profiles/modules/levels -- 1 of 2
- Re: profiles/modules/levels -- 1 of 2
- Re: profiles/modules/levels -- 1 of 2
next week extra telecon [ACTION]
Minutes of QAWG teleconference not finalized yet
Minutes of QAWG teleconference not finalized yet
Volunteer needed for XKMS Last Call review
proposed closure of LC-64
approved plan for DoV group
modification to proposed text for Section 3.1
Monday (21 April) QAWG telecon agenda
GL3 vs. DoV (Was: Plan/proposal for DoV group)
- Re: GL3 vs. DoV (Was: Plan/proposal for DoV group)
- Re: GL3 vs. DoV (Was: Plan/proposal for DoV group)
lc-issues UPDATED (19-apr)
Plan/proposal for DoV group -- Monday
definition of Class of Product
Monday (21 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- Re: Monday (21 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- Re: Monday (21 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- Re: Monday (21 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Proposed text for Section 3.1
resolving the #105, #107 leftovers
question for Kirill
- RE: question for Kirill
- RE: question for Kirill
- RE: question for Kirill
- RE: question for Kirill
- RE: question for Kirill
Draft Minutes of 18-April-2003 Teleconfrence
My Action Item to rewrite definition of "normative"
Fwd: Making SpecGL 7.3 more obvious
Friday (18 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Updated Time Line for TestGL
lc-issues UPDATED (17-apr)
17 April 2003 Proposed Process Document
Making SpecGL 7.3 more obvious
comment/proposal on LC-74
resolution to close SpecGL LC-66
Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31
Friday (18 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- Re: Friday (18 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- Re: Friday (18 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- Re: Friday (18 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
- RE: Friday (18 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Fwd: Comments on CC/PP Working Draft
Draft Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference
- Re: Draft Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference
- Re: Draft Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference -- 2nd
- Re: Draft Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference
- Re: Draft Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference
comment on LC-75.5
lc-issue groups UPDATED
comments about some JM issues
Informal comments on OpsGL and the QA Framework as a whole
MathML review
Monday (14 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (14 April) QAWG telecon agenda
issues UPDATED
Fwd: Re: HOTEL for Crete: please respond
Obsolete features - LC Issue 40
processing plan for SpecGL LC issues
- what's normative [was: Re: processing plan for SpecGL LC issues]
- category/class issues [was: Re: processing plan for SpecGL LC issues]
profiles, modules, levels [30, 41, 49, 50, 51, 97, 98]
- Re: profiles, modules, levels [30, 41, 49, 50, 51, 97, 98]
- Re: profiles, modules, levels [30, 41, 49, 50, 51, 97, 98]
Thursday (14 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
new lc-issues uploaded
Assessment of SpecGL's Conformance to SpecGL
LC-4, 32 -- "unconditional conformance"
Fwd: Re: Publication Schedule for TestGL (AI-20030331-1)
"Draft" minutes of 10 April 2003 QAWG Teleconference
HOTEL for Crete: please respond
What do we do with the forms?
- RE: What do we do with the forms?
- Re: What do we do with the forms?
- Re: What do we do with the forms?
- RE: What do we do with the forms?
regular issues list updated
Extra QAWG telecon Friday, 18-apr
Publication Schedule for TestGL (AI-20030331-1)
LC-36, "Is Glossary normative?"
deprecation issues
next week extra telecon [2nd NOTICE]
Thursday (10 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Last Call Issues UPDATED (9-apr)
[DRAFT] Minutes from QAWG Telcon 2003/04/07
LC-55 action [was Re: [Draft] Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31]
LC-1/55 clarification [was Re: [Draft] Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31]
Thursday (10 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
next week extra telecon [ACTION]
LC Issue 109 Processing for Thursday
Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda
- Re: Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda
- RE: Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda
- Re: Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda
comments on SpecGL LC issues
Last Call Issues UPDATED (4-apr)
[www-qa-wg] <none>
LC-101 -- remove CP9.6
WG or IG?
LC-100 -- discouraging extensibility
Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda [2nd DRAFT]
Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Assessment of SpecGL's Conformance to SpecGL
Last Call Issues GROUPED (3-apr)
mis-classified LC issues?
Volunteer needed for OWL Last Calls, Semantic Interpretation for Speech LC
[Draft] Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31
- Re: [Draft] Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31
- Re: [Draft] Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31