"Draft" minutes of 10 April 2003 QAWG Teleconference
17 April 2003 Proposed Process Document
[Draft] Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31
[DRAFT] Minutes from QAWG Telcon 2003/04/07
[www-qa-wg] <none>
approved plan for DoV group
Assessment of SpecGL's Conformance to SpecGL
Bridge for Thursday 11am (1st May)
category/class issues [was: Re: processing plan for SpecGL LC issues]
comment on LC-75.5
comment/proposal on LC-74
comments about some JM issues
comments on SpecGL LC issues
CP3.1 editorial comment
definition of Class of Product
deprecation issues
discussion of LC comments on Extensions
Draft Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference
Draft Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference -- 2nd
Draft Minutes of 18-April-2003 Teleconfrence
Draft minutes of April 21 teleconference
DRAFT QA WG Telconf - 2003-04-28
Extra QAWG telecon Friday, 18-apr
extra telecon next week
extra telecon time? [ACTION]
Final Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference
Final Minutes of 18-April-2003
Final Minutes of QA WG Teleconference 2003/04/07
Final Minutes of QA WG Teleconference 2003/04/10
first OpsGL issue group
Friday (18 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Friday (18 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Fwd: Comments on CC/PP Working Draft
Fwd: Making SpecGL 7.3 more obvious
Fwd: Re: extra telecon time? [ACTION]
Fwd: Re: HOTEL for Crete: please respond
Fwd: Re: Publication Schedule for TestGL (AI-20030331-1)
GL3 vs. DoV (Was: Plan/proposal for DoV group)
HOTEL for Crete: please respond
IG and WG list
Informal comments on OpsGL and the QA Framework as a whole
issues UPDATED
KD Action Items completion
Last Call Issues GROUPED (3-apr)
Last Call Issues UPDATED
Last Call Issues UPDATED (2-apr)
Last Call Issues UPDATED (4-apr)
Last Call Issues UPDATED (9-apr)
LC Issue 109 Processing for Thursday
LC-1/55 clarification [was Re: [Draft] Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31]
LC-100 -- discouraging extensibility
LC-101 -- remove CP9.6
LC-36, "Is Glossary normative?"
LC-4, 32 -- "unconditional conformance"
LC-55 action [was Re: [Draft] Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31]
LC-82 -- illustrate OpsGL scope
lc-issue groups UPDATED
lc-issue groups UPDATED (25-apr)
lc-issues UPDATED (17-apr)
lc-issues UPDATED (19-apr)
lc-issues updated (25 april)
lc-issues updated (28 april)
lc-issues updated (30-apr)
leftovers on "normative" issue
Making SpecGL 7.3 more obvious
MathML review
Minutes from QA WG Teleconf 2003/03/31
Minutes of QAWG teleconference not finalized yet
mis-classified LC issues?
modification to proposed text for Section 3.1
Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda [2nd DRAFT]
Monday (07 Apr) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (14 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (21 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (21 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (21 April) QAWG telecon agenda [regrets]
Monday (28 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (28 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
MS and LR Action Item on Issue 97
My Action Item to rewrite definition of "normative"
new lc-issues uploaded
Next QA face-to-face meeting, June 2003
next week extra telecon [2nd NOTICE]
next week extra telecon [2nd REQUEST]
next week extra telecon [ACTION]
Obsolete features - LC Issue 40
OpsGL CP5.3 & "TM License"
Plan/proposal for DoV group -- Monday
processing plan for SpecGL LC issues
Profile/level (was Draft Minutes of 14-April-2003 Teleconference -- 2nd)
profiles, modules, levels [30, 41, 49, 50, 51, 97, 98]
profiles/modules/levels -- 1 of 2
profiles/modules/levels -- 2 of 2
proposed closure of LC-64
proposed closure of LC-64 -- oops
proposed revision of publication plan
Proposed text for Section 3.1
Publication Schedule for TestGL (AI-20030331-1)
question for Kirill
Regrets for Thursday (01 Mayl) QAWG telecon
regular issues list updated
reopening TM License issue
resolution to close SpecGL LC-66
resolving the #105, #107 leftovers
rfc2119 & LC-67 [was: Re: Proposed text for Section 3.1]
Summertime/daylight savings
Telcon minutes
TestGL WD for review
Thursday (01 May) QAWG telecon agenda
Thursday (01 Mayl) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Thursday (10 April) QAWG telecon agenda
Thursday (10 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Thursday (14 April) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
TP2003 f2f minutes tentatively ready tomorrow
update issue #95 (is GL3 a DoV?)
Updated Time Line for TestGL
Volunteer needed for DOM Events Last Call
Volunteer needed for OWL Last Calls, Semantic Interpretation for Speech LC
Volunteer needed for XKMS Last Call review
WG or IG?
What do we do with the forms?
what's normative [was: Re: processing plan for SpecGL LC issues]
wrong attribution...
Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2003 21:04:08 UTC