w3c-wai-er-ig@w3.org from February 2000 by subject

04 February 2000 working draft

[Fwd: NetMechanic Results]

Accessibility Guidelines Translations?

action items from last week (14 February 2000)

agenda for monday, status of latest draft

alt for applets

alt text and applets

Alternatives for Applets and Objects; and the Longdesc

Audrey = Daniel

Check TABLE elements for valid "summary" attribute (Technique 5.5.1 )

Check that a NOFRAMES element exists within each FRAMESET (Technique 6.5.1 ).

Checking Quicktime

Checkpoint 13.1

Determining if a SMIL presenation has captions and an auditory description.

Discussion of 11.4

ERT comments


Font vs. Style sheets

format of ERT

Fwd: Re: text equivalents for multimedia

Imagemap Converter

is there a way to expose text contained in a PNG?

Meeting Agenda Monday Jan 7

MIME types

minutes from today

minutes posted

minutes posted - lots of action items and resolutions

minutes posted, home page updated, list of action items

More existing tools evaluations

nesting header elements (3.5.1)

New Accessibility Tool (The Wave) is now running

New ERT Document

New technique: Check TABLE elements for valid CAPTION element (Technique 5.5.2 )

New technique: Technique 10.2.1 [priority 2] Verify that label controls are properly positioned

New technique: Technique 11.1.1 [priority 2] Verify that W3C technologies are used.

New Technique: Technique 11.3.1 [priority 3] Check that documents are served per user preferences.

New technique: Technique 13.1.1 [priority 2] Verify that the target of each link is clearly identified.

New technique: Technique 13.6.1 [Priority 3] Verify if links should be grouped. (thread was: Re: 13.6 trigger number)

New technique: Technique 13.9.1 [priority 3] Verify that information about document collections is provided.

New Title for ERT

Next steps

pointer to first collation of EO comments on Existing Tools page

precis - write the first paragraph last

relative units of measure (Technique 3.4.1 [priority 2] Check document for relative units of measure.)

replaced the phrase "complex images" (technique 1.1.2)

Review of Delorie Lynx Viewer

Technique 1.1.7

Technique 1.1.7 [priority 1] Verify that text equivalents are provided for audio files where necessary

Technique 1.2.1 [priority 1] Verify that a server-side image map has associated text links. (was: RE: ERT Review)

technique 3.2.A

Technique 3.3.A - checking for style sheets

Technique 7.5.A [priority 2] Check auto-redirect attributes on META elements

Techniques 6.1.A and 3.3.A

Teleconference Monday 28 Feb

Testing, testing!

Title of "Existing Evaluation and Repair Tools" page

tool descriptions of Delorie Lynx viewer, Geralds Lynx Viewer, the Wave

Tool tests

Updates to the list of ERT tools and request for help to evaluate tools

use of meta data to keep track of checks by tools

Verify that layout tables make sense when linearized (Technique 5.3.1)

WAI-ER-IG Feb 21 meeting agenda

Wave best viewed with good CSS browser

Wave Bug with XHTML

Wave: use by blind users [was New Accessibility Tool (The Wave) is now running

Which elements trigger a user notification to translate an element or object into a markup language?

work so far on revised ert

Last message date: Tuesday, 29 February 2000 21:36:57 UTC