from January 2013 by subject

(RDFa, RDFa Lite, microdata…) Re: question about medical code

A request to use markup

Adding a bit of colour

alternate identifier draf

An overview of our identifier proposal

Antw: Re: alternate identifier draf

Back to identifiers

cleaned up CommonEndeavor example


commonEndeavor with example

Describing libraries in

goals wrt FRBR/RDA (was Re: Works and instances)

Happy New Year and a possible gathering in Seattle

Holdings - was Re: Some additions to wiki

holdings screen shots

Identifier-2 proposal

item-level info

Literary works missing from Creative Properties and Classes

Meetup, ALA Seattle, and my silence

More on library holdings

prevalence of

question about medical code

Recording & chat transcript from 15th January meeting now on Wiki

Reminder - next Schema Bib Extend Group meeting is tomorrow

Schema Bib Extend Group Meetup on Friday at ALA in Seattle

SchemaBibEx meet up at ALA in Seattle

Some additions to wiki

Some Draft SchemaBibEx Proposals

Some Draft SchemaBibEx Proposals - string identifier with no URI


Why (for libraries)

Works and instances

Last message date: Tuesday, 29 January 2013 14:38:36 UTC