Re: Re: alternate identifier draf

Coming back to discussing the proposal itself: First, I wonder, why one
needs a new property called schema:issuedBy. Why not use

This would mean only adding three new properties and one new class to

- schema:Identifier as the class of all identifiers
- schema:identifier as the property which links something to an
- schema:inStandard to indicate where the identifier comes from.

But why add anything new at all?

As I said before, this design is very close to the practice of
expressing a medical code for a disease or drug with [1]
Instead of schema:identifier they use schema:code and instead of
schema:inStandard schema:codingSystem. I encourage re-using these
properties or developing a general approach for both use cases instead
of coming up with a new but very similar proposal. 

One might argue that a controlled vocabulary like MeSH is quite
different from a set of identifiers issued and that these should be made
clear in I'd say for the high-level markup
provides, these can be treated as equivalent as some body issues
identifiers for some things - may these things be publications or drugs,
diseases etc. What type of thing the identifier belongs to (e.g. a
schema:Drug or a schema:Book) is clear from the context, anyway.

- Adrian


>>> On 20.1.2013 at 22:52, Niklas Lindström<>
> Nice! I just fixed some minor HTML syntax issues, and also changed
> full URL in the first @typeof to just the term "Book" (which, like
> second @typeof="Identifier", is bound to the given
> @vocab="").
> (Also verified the output with the latest RDFLib.)
> Cheers,
> Niklas
> On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Adrian Pohl <>
>> I started to work on your Notation3 example before having read this
> to the end. While being at it I put Ivan's example into the wiki. [1]
But I 
> left out the schema:publisher truple as this wasn't part of the
> example and doesn't make sense.
>> - Adrian
>> [1]
>>>>> Karen Coyle <> 20.01.13 16.40 Uhr >>>
>> No surprise that my examples suck :-) Should I substitute these for
>> mine? That's fine with me.
>> kc
>> On 1/19/13 11:19 PM, Ivan Herman wrote:
>>> Karen,
>>> the example is not RDFa but microdata... Which is per se o.k., but
> microdata->RDF conversion will not create a blank node when it sees a

> @itemprop="identifier/name" construct. Nor will RDFa, for that
matter. The 
> result with RDFa will be something like (I just mechanically created
an RDFa 
> file and ran it through my converter):
>>> @prefix ns1: <> .
>>> @prefix schema: <> .
>>> [] a schema:Book;
>>>      schema:author "Claude-Michel Schonberg, Alain Boublil, and
> Kretzmer.";
>>>      schema:bookFormat schema:Paperback;
>>>      schema:by "Hal Leonard ";
>>>      schema:description "For Piano/Vocal. Vocal Selections. ";
>>>      ns1:issued "Hal Leonard ";
>>>      ns1:name "HL.114335";
>>>      schema:name "Les Miserables. (Selections from the Movie).";
>>>      schema:numberOfPages " 88 pages.";
>>>      schema:publisher " Published by Hal Leonard  " .
>>> which is not what you would expect:-( To do it right in HTML+RDFa
(but, I 
> would think, in microdata as well, it is just that I am more 'fluent'
> RDFa) one has to something like
>>> <html><body>
>>> <div vocab="" typeof="">
>>>     <span property="name">Les Miserables. (Selections from the
>>>           by <span property="author" >Claude-Michel Schonberg,
Alain Boublil, 
> and Herbert   Kretzmer.</span>
>>>      <span property="description">For Piano/Vocal. Vocal
Selections. </span>
>>>      <l!nk property="bookFormat" 
> href="">Softcover</a>.
>>>      <span property="numberOfPages"> 88 pages.</span>
>>>      <span property="publisher"><span property="identifier" 
> typeof="Identifier"><span property="issuedBy">Hal Leonard</span>,
> property="name">HL.114335</span>)</span></span>
>>> </body></html>
>>> yielding
>>> [] a schema:Book;
>>>      schema:author "Claude-Michel Schonberg, Alain Boublil, and
> Kretzmer.";
>>>      schema:bookFormat schema:Paperback;
>>>      schema:description "For Piano/Vocal. Vocal Selections. ";
>>>      schema:identifier [ a schema:Identifier;
>>>              schema:issuedBy "Hal Leonard";
>>>              schema:name "HL.114335" ];
>>>      schema:name "Les Miserables. (Selections from the Movie).";
>>>      schema:numberOfPages " 88 pages.";
>>>      schema:publisher "Hal Leonard, (HL.114335)" .
>>> Which is not exactly the same, b.t.w., because the publisher field
will also 
> include the identifier stuff...
>>> Sorry...:-)
>>> Ivan
>>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 24:44 , Karen Coyle <> wrote:
>>>> I have added a second identifier proposal [1], much simpler than
the first 
> (and possibly too simple -- it is a first draft).
>>>> kc
>>>> [1]
>>>> --
>>>> Karen Coyle
>>>> ph: 1-510-540-7596
>>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>>> skype: kcoylenet
>>> ----
>>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
>>> Home:
>>> mobile: +31-641044153
>>> FOAF:
>> --
>> Karen Coyle
>> ph: 1-510-540-7596
>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>> skype: kcoylenet

Received on Monday, 21 January 2013 09:59:23 UTC