from April 2014 by thread

ACTION-1431: Review of Tracking Preference Expression LCWD Shane McCarron (Wednesday, 30 April)

5.0 bug for ARIA sub-team Léonie Watson (Wednesday, 30 April)

Minutes PF 23 April 2014 Michael Cooper (Wednesday, 30 April)

Agenda: PF Telecon 30 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes Janina Sajka (Wednesday, 30 April)

Minutes ARIA 28 April 2014 Michael Cooper (Monday, 28 April)

ACTION-1422: Develop proposal for label role and aria-labelfor property Matthew King (Monday, 28 April)

Agenda: April 28, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus Richard Schwerdtfeger (Wednesday, 23 April)

Minutes: April 21, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Task Force Meeting Richard Schwerdtfeger (Wednesday, 23 April)

Re: Now a PFWG member, would like to join the ARIA TF Richard Schwerdtfeger (Wednesday, 23 April)

Agenda: PF Telecon 23 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes Janina Sajka (Wednesday, 23 April)

Agenda: April 21, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus Richard Schwerdtfeger (Sunday, 20 April)

Proper use of labelledby vs describedby and definitions Shane McCarron (Saturday, 19 April)

aria-describedby and visibility, what is the expected spec behavior? Birkir Gunnarsson (Thursday, 17 April)

Minutes PF 9 April 2014 Michael Cooper (Wednesday, 16 April)

Agenda: PF Telecon 16 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes Janina Sajka (Wednesday, 16 April)

ACTION-1294: Add posinset and setsize to menuitem, menuitemradio, menuitemcheckbox, tab, etc. Matthew King (Wednesday, 16 April)

What is the expected behavior of scrollable divs within touch screen devices, and does ARIA apply? Bryan Garaventa (Monday, 14 April)

Minutes April 14, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus Schnabel, Stefan (Monday, 14 April)

Minutes PF 2 April 2014 Michael Cooper (Wednesday, 9 April)

Regrets: Agenda: PF Telecon 9 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes Gottfried Zimmermann \(List\) (Wednesday, 9 April)

Agenda: PF Telecon 9 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes Janina Sajka (Tuesday, 8 April)

Minutes for WAI-ARIA Subteam Call: 7 Apr 2014 James Craig (Monday, 7 April)

RE: Is there an official place to document current role compatibility differences? Cynthia Shelly (Friday, 4 April)

should we have a pf disscussion list? lisa.seeman (Friday, 4 April)

RE: Regarding role=tooltip and event firing for dynamic tooltips Cynthia Shelly (Thursday, 3 April)

HTML 5.1 User Agent Implementation Guide (formerly the HTML 5 to platform Accessibility APIs Mapping guide) Going Forward Richard Schwerdtfeger (Thursday, 3 April)

Agenda: April 7, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus Richard Schwerdtfeger (Wednesday, 2 April)

Minutes PF 26 March 2014 Michael Cooper (Wednesday, 2 April)

Regrets: Agenda: PF Telecon 2 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes Gottfried Zimmermann \(List\) (Wednesday, 2 April)

Extensible ARIA? Léonie Watson (Wednesday, 2 April)

Agenda: PF Telecon 2 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes Janina Sajka (Wednesday, 2 April)

Re: Action : 1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription Joseph Scheuhammer (Tuesday, 1 April)

Re: SVG2 Accessibility User Agent Implementation Guide Charles McCathie Nevile (Tuesday, 1 April)

Minutes PFWG Mar 31 2014 Susann Keohane (Monday, 31 March)

Accessibility and the Shadow DOM | Substantial Bryan Garaventa (Tuesday, 1 April)

Re: ISSUE-636 CTION-1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription James Craig (Tuesday, 1 April)

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2014 18:45:02 UTC