from April 2014 by subject

5.0 bug for ARIA sub-team

Accessibility and the Shadow DOM | Substantial

Action : 1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription

ACTION-1294: Add posinset and setsize to menuitem, menuitemradio, menuitemcheckbox, tab, etc.

ACTION-1422: Develop proposal for label role and aria-labelfor property

ACTION-1431: Review of Tracking Preference Expression LCWD

Agenda: April 14, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Agenda: April 21, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Agenda: April 28, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Agenda: April 7, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Agenda: PF Telecon 16 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: PF Telecon 2 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: PF Telecon 23 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: PF Telecon 30 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: PF Telecon 9 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

aria-describedby and visibility, what is the expected spec behavior?

AW: Agenda: PF Telecon 23 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

Extensible ARIA?

HTML 5.1 User Agent Implementation Guide (formerly the HTML 5 to platform Accessibility APIs Mapping guide) Going Forward

Is there an official place to document current role compatibility differences?

ISSUE-636 ACTION-1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription

ISSUE-636 CTION-1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription

Minutes April 14, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Minutes April 21, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Minutes ARIA 28 April 2014

Minutes for WAI-ARIA Subteam Call: 7 Apr 2014

Minutes PF 2 April 2014

Minutes PF 23 April 2014

Minutes PF 26 March 2014

Minutes PF 9 April 2014

Minutes PFWG Mar 31 2014

Minutes: April 21, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Task Force Meeting

Now a PFWG member, would like to join the ARIA TF

OT Re: What is the expected behavior of scrollable divs within touch screen devices, and does ARIA apply?

OT: Re: ISSUE-636 ACTION-1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription

Proper use of labelledby vs describedby and definitions

Regarding role=tooltip and event firing for dynamic tooltips

Regrets RE: Agenda: PF Telecon 2 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

Regrets: Agenda: PF Telecon 2 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

Regrets: Agenda: PF Telecon 9 April at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

should we have a pf disscussion list?

SVG2 Accessibility User Agent Implementation Guide

What is the expected behavior of scrollable divs within touch screen devices, and does ARIA apply?

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2014 18:45:02 UTC