Re: ISSUE-636 CTION-1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription

group role is fine. So, if we put a role of group on video that would be
fine for roledesc.

SVG <g> has native host native semantics of "group" so, we don't need a
role as the computed role would be "group" so we could put it there.

Keynote/Powerpoint: Section has a default native host language role of
"region" so its computed role would be "region"  and therefore the spec.
text would allow for a roledesc on that.

Looks like those would all be fine.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	James Craig <>
To:	Matthew King/Fishkill/IBM@IBMUS
Cc:	Steve Faulkner <>, W3C WAI Protocols &
            Formats <>
Date:	04/01/2014 01:48 PM
Subject:	Re: ISSUE-636 CTION-1398 Provide spec. text for

On Apr 1, 2014, at 11:43 AM, Matthew King <> wrote:

> I would like to have many more practical examples of how we think this
feature may be used on interactive widgets to stimulate further discussion
of how limited the feature should be in ARIA 1.1.

What about the rest of the examples I mentioned?

1. <video> in HTML might default to <video role="group"
2. EPUB chapters might default to role="section"
3. SVG could use <g role="group" aria-roledescription="chart">
4. Slides in web versions of Keynote/PowerPoint could use <section

Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2014 20:33:46 UTC