Re: ISSUE-636 ACTION-1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription

On Apr 3, 2014, at 1:11 PM, Cynthia Shelly <> wrote:

> When Narrator encounters this, it reads “log” and the name (e.g. from aria-labeledby) of the log.  It does not say group.

Slightly off-topic (and with apologies to Cynthia), but I wanted to point out that even members of the Working Group sometimes use the incorrect American spelling ("aria-labeledby") instead of the spec'd British spelling ("aria-labelledby"). The @aria-labelledby attribute pre-dates my stint in the WG, but we should take care to avoid similar problems with any of the future roles or attributes. 

In other words, whatever we decide to this "localized role description" or "localized control type," we should avoid using the term localized (or the British "localised") in the name. 

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2014 20:25:52 UTC