Narrator reads the Localized Control Type. The Control Type (equivalent of role) is an enumerated value and not human-friendly. Every control type has a default localized control type for each Windows language (English, French, Mandarin, etc.). Native application developers who implement UIA can override the default control type with a string of their own. They would then be responsible for localizing that string. They can also create their own control types by assembling control patterns and then give it a name with the localized control type. Patterns are sets of behavior, such as invoke, select, etc., which include properties and methods.
IE has used localized control type in some of its aria implementations. For example, for role=log, IE uses
Control type/role is group Localized Control Type is log. LiveSettingProperty = On (1).
When Narrator encounters this, it reads "log" and the name (e.g. from aria-labeledby) of the log. It does not say group.
More info at MSDN:
Control Type Overview:
Control Pattern Overview:
From: Steve Faulkner []
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 7:32 AM
To: Matthew King
Cc: lisa.seeman; James Craig; W3C WAI Protocols & Formats; Richard Schwerdtfeger; Shane McCarron
Subject: Re: ISSUE-636 CTION-1398 Provide spec. text for aria-roledescription
On 1 April 2014 15:23, Matthew King <<>> wrote:
My understanding is that <div role="region" roledescription="chapter" .... would still expose the role of the div to the AT as region. None of the role information is lost.
what do AT currently do, on Mac for example, does VoiceOver announce both role an role description?
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