[ANNOUNCE] More Nature RSS Newsfeeds
RDF Path?
RDF vocabulary for integrity constraints?
Ways to restrict the properties a class may have?
- Re: Ways to restrict the properties a class may have?
- Re: Ways to restrict the properties a class may have?
- Re: Ways to restrict the properties a class may have?
Re: [rdfweb-dev] Re: licence for Ontologies
Re: licence for Ontologies
Semantic Desktop integration discussion.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Rasqal RDF Query Library 0.9.3
ANNOUNCEMENT: Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit 1.4.0
[announcement] SIMILE Longwell 1.0 Released
- Re: [announcement] SIMILE Longwell 1.0 Released
- Re: [announcement] SIMILE Longwell 1.0 Released
- Re: [announcement] SIMILE Longwell 1.0 Released
Smart Literal proposal
- Re: Smart Literal proposal
- RE: Smart Literal proposal
- RE: Smart Literal proposal
- RE: Smart Literal proposal
ANN: RAP - RDF API for PHP V0.9 released - including RDFS inference support and a Jena-like resouce-centric API
RDF of airline flight schedule available
ICEIS'2005: Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing IWUC'2005
RDF in MS .Net
IsaViz 2.1 released
ANN: Semantic Planet RDF Library and Carp RDF Processor
N-Triples Parser for Python
Re: [media_and_entertainment] VOD streaming without webpage
a doubt on basic concepts
Troublesome relations
CFP update: 3rd Int'l Conf. on Active Media Technology
RDF Model Theory
ANNOUNCE: Rx4RDF and Rhizome 0.4.1
RDF tools and Accepts headers. A survey.
URIQA and value added functionality
Web services returning RDF?
- Re: Web services returning RDF?
- RE: Web services returning RDF?
- Re: Web services returning RDF?
- RE: Web services returning RDF?
- RE: Web services returning RDF?
- RE: Web services returning RDF?
RDF Data Access Working Group : first working draft of SPARQL
- RE: RDF Data Access Working Group : first working draft of SPARQL
- Re: RDF Data Access Working Group : first working draft of SPARQL
Some fuzzy with cardinality restriction vs complex property in OWL
intra-document rdf:resource references?
RE: [rdfweb-dev] RE: Atom and RDF
RE: [RSS-DEV] Re: Atom and RDF
RDF within Schema
.NET semweb demos?
Graph matching
CfP: ESWC2005 - 2nd European Semantic Web Conference
Re: mapping FOL -> DL
Atom and RDF
- Re: Atom and RDF
- RE: Atom and RDF
- RE: Atom and RDF
- RE: Atom and RDF
- Re: Atom and RDF
- Re: Atom and RDF
- Re: Atom and RDF
- Re: Atom and RDF
RE: URIQA thwarted by context problems? (NOT)
- RE: URIQA thwarted by context problems? (NOT)
- RE: URIQA thwarted by context problems? (NOT)
- Re: URIQA thwarted by context problems? (NOT)
- RE: URIQA thwarted by context problems? (NOT)
- RE: URIQA thwarted by context problems? (NOT)
First PhotoBingo game will be held from October 14th to 24th
URIQA thwarted by context problems?
- Re: URIQA thwarted by context problems?
- Re: URIQA thwarted by context problems?
- RE: URIQA thwarted by context problems?
- RE: URIQA thwarted by context problems?
- Re: URIQA thwarted by context problems?
- RE: URIQA thwarted by context problems?
Best way to assert that "s p o" was true at time t?
- Re: Best way to assert that "s p o" was true at time t?
- RE: Best way to assert that "s p o" was true at time t?
- RE: Best way to assert that "s p o" was true at time t?
RE: Some thoughts on effective access to "primary" vs "secondary" resources, consistency of descriptions, and bootstrapping the semantic w eb...
Some thoughts on effective access to "primary" vs "secondary" resources, consistency of descriptions, and bootstrapping the semantic web...
- RE: Some thoughts on effective access to "primary" vs "secondary" resources, consistency of descriptions, and bootstrapping the semantic web...
- RE: Some thoughts on effective access to "primary" vs "secondary" resources, consistency of descriptions, and bootstrapping the semantic web...
Call for Participation: OTM 2004
RE: Novel HTTP methods and the standard Sun Java SDK (was RE: Revised draft of CBD)
Novel HTTP methods and the standard Sun Java SDK (was RE: Revised draft of CBD)
Fwd: Re: Duplicate triples Re: RDF Graph
BPM 2005: Call for Workshop Proposals (New submission deadline)
Ann: SWI-Prolog SeRQL engine 0.3.1
[ANN] Kowari 1.0.5 released
RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- Re: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- Re: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema (run away... run away... ;-)
RDF Graph
Revised draft of CBD
- Re: Revised draft of CBD
- Re: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- Re: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
- RE: Revised draft of CBD
Is this the Semantic Web?
- Re: Is this the Semantic Web?
- Re: Is this the Semantic Web?
- Re: Is this the Semantic Web?
- RE: Is this the Semantic Web?
E-mailbox term in FOAF
RDF friendly XML
URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema
- Re: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema
- RE: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema
- Re: URN as namespace URI for RDF Schema
2nd Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases
CFP: W3C Workshop on Metadata for Content Adaptation
contribution and CBD api?
Properties and incremental meaning
Announcing Protege Short Course
pointer: MSGs as alternative (extended) CBR
Re: Creating XML from RDF triples?
RE: web proper names
RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- Re: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions
- RE: problems with concise bounded descriptions