Best way to assert that "s p o" was true at time t?

Please respond directly to me as I'm not subscribed to this list.

I'd like to say "I lived at address A between x date and y date" in
RDF. I've seen a lot of discussion about how to say this kind of
thing, but no consensus. Is there one that I've missed? I see a few

n3's "{ formula }" syntax seems right, but I can't find a translation
from that to RDF/XML, and I don't want to limit the format to n3.

RDF/XML's rdf:ID attribute on properties doesn't work because it would
assert that I currently live at the wrong address.

the rdf:{subject,predicate,object} properties work, but they're
inconvenient and (like rdf:ID) force me to name the triple, which I'd
rather leave anonymous. (What do I call my living at A between x and

How do you guys represent "S is true at T"?

Jeffrey Yasskin

Received on Saturday, 9 October 2004 07:43:16 UTC