contribution and CBD api?

Hi Patrick,

i see you mean to write an extended version of the CBD  (which for some 
reason i called CBR in my last posting :-) )..
as I was mentioning we have worked on something similar but concept 
since we needed it for our P2P algorithm called RDFGrowth.
We have some stuff to contribute then.. some (Semi) formal stuff  (see 
the paper). Some API for cutting MSGs out of a graph, cheching to which 
msg a triple belongs, counting and listing MSGs around a URI (they form 
a RDFN in our RDFGrowth parlour). Checking which digital signatures are 
attached to a MSG and or attaching new ones. etc.. But our api is a bit 
fragmented inside the current DBin project..
Is there any open CBD api by the way? I could only find the modules you 
provide but those plug in into non free stuff..

there are also other features and things that would like to add and that 
could make sense .. for example we would like to avoid that certain data 
ends into a MSG, e.g. data for "internal use" is this possible retaining 
the properties of the MSG? to be seen (i would say no but there might be 
some cases where this is ok). Also.. sesame has the tendecy to add  
statements to fill the forward inference of RDFS things..  filtering 
this from a MSG/CBD might be practically useful since the extra 
statemetns can be anyway reconstructed..

.thinks that might be interesting to talk about .. anyway :-) this is an 
open invitation to maybe create a SF project with a reference java API 
and specifications..
About a newer name (if that can create less controversy) maybe it might 
be a good idea tocalling this thing, "minimal" .. with respect to the 
property that you can transfer a whole rdf graph bit by bit . That might 
get away with the bounded. so it could be called MD ?

by the way, are you aware of others using this kind of tool ?

Ciao ciao

Received on Sunday, 3 October 2004 23:22:11 UTC