Re: Versioning

If you look at owl:version you should get some ideas. The question is, as you
note, about modelling things. So if you say that the URI is in version 1 and
version 2 of an ontology, and then note that version 1 of the ontology is not
curated and version 2 is, your merge comes out ok.

Or you can say

<Foo rdf:ID="myFoo">
      <number rdf:value="1"/>
      <curatedP rdf:value="no"/>
      <number rdf:value="2"/>
      <curatedP rdf:value="yes"/>
Dan Connolly wrote about this in the ESW Wiki, calling it
Interpretation Properties -
- although a big chunk of what he was trying to do could happily be done with
rdf datatypes instead.



On Fri, 8 Oct 2004, Eric Jain wrote:

>How do I make statements about a particular version of a resource?
>One approach:
>File 1:
>   owl:versionInfo '1'
>   curated 'false'
>File 2:
>   owl:versionInfo '2'
>   curated 'true'
>But if this data is merged:
>   owl:versionInfo '1'
>   owl:versionInfo '2'
>   curated 'false'
>   curated 'true'
>Not very useful!
>I guess one solution would be to include the version number in the URL,
>e.g. <> (ugly... any better ideas?).
>But what if I wanted to make a statement that applies to
><> regardless of the version?
>The problem is in part solved by the Life Science Identifier scheme,
>where the version number is a predefined part of the URL, e.g.
>It is now possible to write software that knows that any statements
>about <> also apply to
>Any ideas if the same thing could be accomplished with URLs?

Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
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 Post:   21 Mitchell street, FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia    or
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Received on Saturday, 9 October 2004 02:31:59 UTC