
How do I make statements about a particular version of a resource?

One approach:

File 1:

   owl:versionInfo '1'
   curated 'false'

File 2:

   owl:versionInfo '2'
   curated 'true'

But if this data is merged:

   owl:versionInfo '1'
   owl:versionInfo '2'
   curated 'false'
   curated 'true'

Not very useful!

I guess one solution would be to include the version number in the URL, 
e.g. <> (ugly... any better ideas?).

But what if I wanted to make a statement that applies to 
<> regardless of the version?

The problem is in part solved by the Life Science Identifier scheme, 
where the version number is a predefined part of the URL, e.g.


It is now possible to write software that knows that any statements 
about <> also apply to 

Any ideas if the same thing could be accomplished with URLs?

Received on Friday, 8 October 2004 16:11:06 UTC