Re: a doubt on basic concepts

It just goes to show that the memory plays tricks some times. A few
minor corrections on my tale regarding OIL.

Jeen Broekstra wrote:


> OIL stands for Ontology Interchange Language

...but this was later changed to Ontology Inference Layer.


> OIL came in three flavours: OIL Lite (basically RDFS minus 
> reification), OIL Standard (roughly comparable to OWL DL) and Heavy
>  OIL (roughly OWL Full).

This is not quite correct. OIL had four flavours: OIL Core (RDFS minus
reification), OIL Standard , Instance OIL, and Heavy OIL (if you
really want to know what each flavour does, I recommend reading the
On-To-Knowledge project deliverables).

Jeen Broekstra                                      Vrije Universiteit
                                Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science                 de Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam                           The Netherlands

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 2004 19:53:27 UTC