Re: URIQA thwarted by context problems? (NOT)

To qualify this further: subPropertyOf means _exactly_:

x p y
p subPropertyOf r
x r y

so finding the dc:title statement in the example doesn't strictly allow 
the agent to treat /foo/bar/bas as title --- it actually introduces a 
new triple (or several!) into the agent's world, which could produce 
useful behaviour as a side-effect.

The agent can't directly handle /foo/bar/bas --- that's where the 
human/context/etc. stuff comes in. However, it can make use of the 
surrounding knowledge, that it already understands, to do useful stuff, 
which is what I think Patrick is getting at.

As long as people remember that _at some point_, a human being has to 
tell a tool what to do with triples that it finds, things will 
typically work out. Inference can push this point further back, or push 
it onto another point where the work has already been done (which is 
ontology mapping), but it can't get rid of it completely. It's the ol' 
Chinese Room --- meaningless without the observers.


On Oct 10, 2004, at 08:20, <> wrote:
> and in the CBD provided it finds the statement
>       rdf:subPropertyOf
>          dc:title .
> and it knows how to interpret the dc:title property,
> then it should be acceptable to treat any values of
> exactly the same as any values of dc:title, and the agent
> is then able to do something useful with the knowledge it
> has encountered, even though at first it did not understand
> all the terms used to express that knowledge.


> True, there may be "local" meaning and usage associated with
> the term
> which some arbitrary agent may not be able to take full
> advantage of -- and fully dynamic interaction between

Received on Monday, 11 October 2004 12:10:35 UTC