Aaron Colwell
Adam Barth
- [whatwg] WebSockets and redirects (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] Canvas and drawWindow (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Canvas and drawWindow (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] data: URI origin (Monday, 14 March)
Alexandre Morgaut
Allen Wirfs-Brock
And Clover
Andrew de Andrade
Andy Mabbett
Anne van Kesteren
Aryeh Gregor
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Wednesday, 30 March)
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Wednesday, 30 March)
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Monday, 28 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Sunday, 27 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Sunday, 27 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Wednesday, 23 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Tuesday, 22 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Monday, 21 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Thursday, 17 March)
- [whatwg] Embedding custom hierarchical data (Wednesday, 16 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Monday, 14 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Sunday, 13 March)
- [whatwg] datalist @exclusive (Friday, 11 March)
- [whatwg] datalist @exclusive (Friday, 11 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Monday, 7 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Friday, 4 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] Can we deprecate alert(), confirm(), prompt() ? (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Wednesday, 2 March)
- [whatwg] Can we deprecate alert(), confirm(), prompt() ? (Wednesday, 2 March)
- [whatwg] Idea for having InputXML Or ClickXML for HTML5+ (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Tuesday, 1 March)
Ashley Sheridan
Ben Rimmington
Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
Benjamin Poulain
Bjartur Thorlacius
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Embedding custom hierarchical data (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Interpretation issue: can <section> be used for "extended paragraphs"? (Friday, 11 March)
- [whatwg] Session Management (Thursday, 10 March)
- [whatwg] Session Management (Wednesday, 2 March)
- [whatwg] Session Management (Wednesday, 2 March)
- [whatwg] Giving the <body> tag a new meaning. (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] Giving the <body> tag a new meaning. (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] wrapper element (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] Optional non-blocking mode for simple dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt). (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] Idea for having InputXML Or ClickXML for HTML5+ (Tuesday, 1 March)
Bob Gezelter
Boris Zbarsky
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Wednesday, 30 March)
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Wednesday, 30 March)
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] DOM Range: redefining behavior under DOM mutation (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Sunday, 27 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Saturday, 26 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] Indicate a file name for data: URLs? (Monday, 21 March)
- [whatwg] CSS5 anyone? Or a WHATWG CSS3 Working Group would be cool too (Sunday, 20 March)
- [whatwg] Canvas and drawWindow (Friday, 11 March)
- [whatwg] Revising the content handling logic of <object> and <embed> (Monday, 7 March)
- [whatwg] Should events be paused on detached iframes? (Saturday, 5 March)
- [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] Session Management (Wednesday, 2 March)
- [whatwg] 7.3 Timers (Tuesday, 1 March)
Brett Zamir
Charles Pritchard
Chris Pearce
Christoph Päper
Daniel Cheng
Dave Kok
David Bruant
David Singer
Diogo Resende
Eduard Pascual
Edward Gerhold
Ehsan Akhgari
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Monday, 28 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Monday, 28 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Saturday, 26 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Saturday, 26 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Tuesday, 22 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Tuesday, 22 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Monday, 21 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Saturday, 19 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Saturday, 19 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Saturday, 19 March)
Eric Winkelman
Erik Moller
Erik Möller
Giuseppe Pascale
Glenn Maynard
- [whatwg] Masking and threat models (Re: PeerConnection: encryption feedback) (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] Masking and threat models (Re: PeerConnection: encryption feedback) (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Wednesday, 23 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Saturday, 19 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Thursday, 17 March)
- [whatwg] Rich Paste & DataTransfer / DataTransferItems API (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Rich Paste & DataTransfer / DataTransferItems API (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Rich Paste & DataTransfer / DataTransferItems API (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution (Friday, 4 March)
- [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution (Friday, 4 March)
- [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution (Wednesday, 2 March)
Gregg Tavares
Gustavo Duenas
Harald Alvestrand
- [whatwg] Recording interface (Re: Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (2)) (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Reusing SRTP (Re: Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (2)) (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] UDP size (Re: Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (2)) (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer and stream APIs (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] An RTC Session API proposal (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] An RTC Session API proposal (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] EventSource - Handling a charset in the content-type header (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] Masking and threat models (Re: PeerConnection: encryption feedback) (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Wednesday, 23 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Wednesday, 23 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Wednesday, 23 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, <device>, and related topics (Tuesday, 22 March)
Henri Sivonen
Ian Hickson
- [whatwg] Implementation difficulties for MediaController (Wednesday, 30 March)
- [whatwg] <details>, <summary> and styling (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (2) (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (2) (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (3) (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Implementation difficulties for MediaController (Monday, 28 March)
- [whatwg] Onpopstate is Flawed (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] EventSource - Handling a charset in the content-type header (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] history.popstate in Firefox4 (Thursday, 24 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Wednesday, 23 March)
- [whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback (Saturday, 19 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, <device>, and related topics (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] Should events be paused on detached iframes? (Saturday, 5 March)
- [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] context.arc and current point (Wednesday, 2 March)
- [whatwg] [html5] r5307 - [giow] (0) use vendor--feature instead of _vendor-feature since Apple engineers [...] (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] Attitude and Direction of the WHATWG (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] Reserving XRI and URN in registerProtocolHandler (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] Session Management (Tuesday, 1 March)
Jacob Kristensen
James Graham
Jeb Boniakowski
Jer Noble
Jonas Sicking
Jonathan Chetwynd
Jordan Dobson
Joseph Pecoraro
Jukka K. Korpela
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Monday, 28 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Sunday, 27 March)
- [whatwg] Why is @scoped required for <style> as flow content? (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] Form input element for value-unit pairs (Monday, 14 March)
- [whatwg] Interpretation issue: can <section> be used for "extended paragraphs"? (Friday, 11 March)
- [whatwg] Interpretation issue: can <section> be used for "extended paragraphs"? (Thursday, 10 March)
- [whatwg] Interpretation issue: can <section> be used for "extended paragraphs"? (Thursday, 10 March)
- [whatwg] datalist @exclusive (Wednesday, 9 March)
- [whatwg] datalist @exclusive [was: Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color] (Wednesday, 9 March)
- [whatwg] Option label, textContent and value (Tuesday, 8 March)
- [whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color (Tuesday, 8 March)
- [whatwg] Allowing size and maxlength attributes for all new input types would provide better fallbacks (Monday, 7 March)
Julien Chaffraix
Jörn Zaefferer
Karl Dubost
Koji Ishii
Kyle Simpson
Lachlan Hunt
- [whatwg] Invoking getUserMedia() with Unknown Options (Thursday, 31 March)
- [whatwg] Submitting datetime values should more clearly specify required timezone syntax (Wednesday, 30 March)
- [whatwg] Time Parsing (Monday, 28 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, <device>, and related topics (Wednesday, 23 March)
- [whatwg] Video and Audio Tracks API (Tuesday, 22 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, <device>, and related topics (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, <device>, and related topics (Friday, 18 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Thursday, 17 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Thursday, 17 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Thursday, 17 March)
- [whatwg] Thoughts on the media stream bootstrap mechanism (Wednesday, 16 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Wednesday, 16 March)
- [whatwg] <device> use cases (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Monday, 14 March)
Leandro Graciá Gil
Liam Hockley
Luis Marsnao
Makoto Kato
Mark S. Miller
Markus Ernst
- [whatwg] Form input element for value-unit pairs (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Sunday, 13 March)
- [whatwg] Inline list proposal [was: Interpretation issue: can <section> be used for "extended paragraphs"?] (Friday, 11 March)
- [whatwg] Interpretation issue: can <section> be used for "extended paragraphs"? (Thursday, 10 March)
- [whatwg] datalist @exclusive [was: Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color] (Wednesday, 9 March)
- [whatwg] datalist @exclusive [was: Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color] (Wednesday, 9 March)
- [whatwg] datalist @exclusive [was: Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color] (Tuesday, 8 March)
- [whatwg] Option label, textContent and value (Tuesday, 8 March)
- [whatwg] Option label, textContent and value (Tuesday, 8 March)
- [whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color (Tuesday, 8 March)
- [whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color (Monday, 7 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Friday, 4 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Friday, 4 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Friday, 4 March)
- [whatwg] wrapper element (Tuesday, 1 March)
- [whatwg] wrapper element (Tuesday, 1 March)
Martin Alterisio
Matthew Kaufman
Michael A. Puls II
Michael Nordman
Michal Zalewski
Mike Taylor
Mikko Rantalainen
Mounir Lamouri
Narendra Sisodiya
Nicholas Zakas
Nikolas Coukouma
Nils Dagsson Moskopp
Oliver Hunt
Olli Pettay
Per-Erik Brodin
Peter Beverloo
Peter Kasting
Philip Jägenstedt
Rich Tibbett
Robert O'Callahan
- [whatwg] Media elements statistics (Friday, 1 April)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (2) (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Wednesday, 23 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Tuesday, 22 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Thursday, 17 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Stream API Feedback (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Canvas and drawWindow (Tuesday, 15 March)
- [whatwg] Can we deprecate alert(), confirm(), prompt() ? (Tuesday, 1 March)
Robin Berjon
Roger Hågensen
Roland Steiner
Ryosuke Niwa
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Saturday, 26 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Saturday, 26 March)
- [whatwg] selection.modify behavior across platforms (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Tuesday, 22 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Tuesday, 22 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Thursday, 17 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Saturday, 5 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] set input.value when input element has composition string (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Thursday, 3 March)
- [whatwg] set input.value when input element has composition string (Wednesday, 2 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Wednesday, 2 March)
- [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification (Tuesday, 1 March)
Régis Kuckaertz
Satish Sampath
Silvia Pfeiffer
Simon Heckmann
Simon Pieters
Stefan Håkansson LK
- [whatwg] Recording interface (Re: Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (2)) (Wednesday, 30 March)
- [whatwg] Media negotiation (RE: Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, and related topics (2)) (Tuesday, 29 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer and stream APIs (Friday, 25 March)
- [whatwg] Peer-to-peer use case (was Peer-to-peer communication, video conferencing, <device>, and related topics) (Tuesday, 22 March)
- [whatwg] Feedback on "Video conferencing and peer-to-peer communication" (Thursday, 17 March)
Steve Lacey
Tab Atkins Jr.
Tatham Oddie
Tim Down
Wilhelm Joys Andersen
Will Alexander
Last message date: Thursday, 31 March 2011 19:07:44 UTC