[whatwg] <device> use cases

Where did you "hear" that device was cancelled?

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 14:10, <jesperg at opera.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I just heard that <device> was canceled and replaced by
> navigator.getUserMedia()... Just wanted to point out a couple of use
> cases that I was looking forward to, that seems to maybe have gotten a
> bit lost on the way?
> I was really looking forward to start playing around with USB MIDI
> interfaces to control my synth and maybe even do really creative stuff
> the other way around. Just imagine being able to play on your synth
> (or any other device with MIDI output) and generate sound or graphics
> in a <canvas> web application or so!
> Or... be able to control other devices using serial connection. Maybe
> do lirc-alike stuff, using your IR based remote to control Youtube or
> other HTML5 <video> services, etc.
> Amazing new possibilities, that would be (almost) endless... :)

Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 06:26:29 UTC