[whatwg] A moment of thank you to the browser devs.


Now that Firefox 4 is out as well as IE9 those tests are starting to 
look real good.
With the WebM plugin for IE9, WebM is now possible in all the big 4 
(Opera, IE, FF, Chrome) browsers (haven't tested Safari but like Chrome 
it uses Webkit so should be similar).
Opera does lag a little on the Elements tests (IE9 now support section 
and article elements, as does Chrome and FF), but there is a Opera beta 
I haven't tested but I assume that will be added for the next final release?

So I'd just like to thank all the browser devs for the awesome work 
being done to fast track HTML5.
Now if just the users would be as quick at updating their old browsers, 
then we could get rid of a lot of the old junk on the net and go for 
HTML5 design exclusively.

So who knows, maybe 2011 will become "the" HTML5 year?

Roger "Rescator" H?gensen.
Freelancer - http://www.EmSai.net/

Received on Thursday, 24 March 2011 11:53:06 UTC