[whatwg] PeerConnection: encryption feedback

PeerConnection defines packet encryption, but it uses AES-128-CTR
without actually defining the counter.  It also generates a new AES
key for each packet.  A major point of using CTR is to not have to do
that; you have a single key and vary the counter.

The inputs to AES-128-CTR are a key, a counter and a message.  A
single key is used for the whole connection[1].  Each counter value
can only be used once.  A nonce isn't created for each packet; only
once for the entire connection, as part of the key.  A hash should
also be included in each packet, to prevent semi-random tampering with
packets on the wire.

The mechanism I'd recommend is:

* The encryption key for the connection is negotiated over the
signalling connection, defined as the HMAC-SHA1 of the concatenation
of the media stream key and a random 16-byte PeerConnection-wide
* Each PeerConnection has an associated 48-bit counter value[2], which
starts at 0.
* To transmit a data packet to a peer, do the following:
 1: Let connection-key be the value of the PeerConnection's encryption key.
 2: Let packet-counter be the value of the PeerConnection's counter.
 3: Increment PeerConnection's counter value by 1.
 4: Let signature be the HMAC-SHA1 of the raw message.
 5: Let signed raw message be the concatenation of signature and raw message.
 6: Let masked message be the result of encrypting signed raw message
using AES-128-CTR, with a key of connection-key and a counter value of

This is 6 bytes larger than the current packet: a 20-byte hash and a
6-byte counter, replacing the 00 00 00 01 magic and the 16-byte random
block.  It prevents packet tampering and replay.

On receiving a packet, the HMAC-SHA1 must be checked (replacing the 00
00 00 01 check), and the counter value must be checked to prevent
replay and excessively delayed packets.  See RFC 4347 sections 3.3
("Replay Detection") and ("Anti-replay") for an algorithm to
do this.  In short, you keep track of which counter values have been
seen recently, reject repeated counters, and reject counter values
which are too old.

The magic PeerConnection "salt" (DB 68 B5 FD 17 0E 15 77 56 AF 7A 3A
1A 57 75 02) seems unnecessary, replaced with the connection nonce,
but could still be appended to the connection key if desired.

There should also be a mechanism to support new hashes and ciphers in
the future.  There's no need to actually specify other hashes at this
point (except perhaps for testing purposes), just
forward-compatibility for when AES and/or SHA-1 need to be replaced.

This protocol is reinventing the wheel, and I'm sure a cryptography
expert will find many more issues.  Can anyone more familiar with DTLS
say whether it fits here?  In particular, it's important to note that
users don't have signed SSL certificates; only webservers have those,
in practice.  Peers can't safely establish a connection to each other
directly: they depend on their mutual trust of the webserver, sending
the connection key over the trusted signalling channel to prevent MITM
attacks between peers.  I don't know if TLS can support that model, or
if there are other problems with it (eg. too much packet overhead for

[1] Assuming no mechanism exists to negotiate nonce changes for
long-lived connections.
[2] 48 bits matches DTLS.  This is big enough to avoid problems with
long-lived connections, but not so big as to waste space in the

Glenn Maynard

Received on Thursday, 17 March 2011 14:44:02 UTC