[whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 7:11 AM, Ryosuke Niwa <rniwa at webkit.org> wrote:

> Great to see some spec'ing work here.  Some issues with your document:
>    - Styling a Range doesn't support styleWithCSS=false
>    - Ignores possibility of JavaScript modifying DOM while your algorithm
>    is running - This is actually consistent with TOT WebKit where dispatches of
>    DOM mutation events are delayed until the editing command finishes its
>    algorithm.
> I do point out that moving iframe, object, etc... result in unload events
fired synchronously, at which point scripts can do whatever it pleases to

- Ryosuke

Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2011 20:47:12 UTC