from June 2019 by subject

[GoogleChrome/puppeteer] Query nodes within shadow roots (#858)

[heycam/webidl] [wip] First pass at adding internal slots (#495)

[heycam/webidl] Add an example of subclassing + [Global] (#748)

[heycam/webidl] Add async_iterable support (#720)

[heycam/webidl] CallbackInterfaceMembers grammar question (typo?) (#751)

[heycam/webidl] Consider requiring optional dictionary defaulting explicitly (#602)

[heycam/webidl] Define a way to specify a default value for dictionaries (the literal "{}") and require it to be specified for the dictionary arguments that are required to be optional. (#750)

[heycam/webidl] Define Web IDL Modules (#675)

[heycam/webidl] Disallow combining Global with Constructor/NamedConstructor. (#745)

[heycam/webidl] Disallow Promise types in unions at the syntax level. (#746)

[heycam/webidl] Documentation about IDL keyword escaping says trailing, not leading (#733)

[heycam/webidl] Editorial: Better explanation of the Global extended attribute. (#749)

[heycam/webidl] Explicitly include annotated types in the various type categories. (#747)

[heycam/webidl] IDL/dfn of terms with underscores not autolinking as expected. (#734)

[heycam/webidl] Inconsistent enumerability on keys/values/entries and friends (#738)

[heycam/webidl] Introduce an UnenumerableOperations extended attribute (#719)

[heycam/webidl] Is it true that dictionaries can't have a default value specified? (#585)

[heycam/webidl] Looking for some clarity on Promise<void> (#737)

[heycam/webidl] Make [SameObject] beneficial (#212)

[heycam/webidl] Mark DOMException as serializable (#732)

[heycam/webidl] Meta: use "good first issue" label (#736)

[heycam/webidl] NonAnyType vs SingleType as home of PromiseType ε alternative (#740)

[heycam/webidl] Reduce the restrictions on members whose names match auto-generated properties (#726)

[heycam/webidl] Rename Module.Instantiate to Module.Link (#741)

[heycam/webidl] Should iterator prototype object next functions be enumerable? (#739)

[heycam/webidl] Should make it clear that [Global] and [Constructor] can't coexist (#744)

[heycam/webidl] Sort out when dictionaries and records should have default values (#76)

[heycam/webidl] Use IDL this for the synthetic forEach method. (#742)

[heycam/webidl] Use Oxford comma (#743)

[heycam/webidl] What's the defference in "number of nullable member type" and 'includes a nullable type"? (#735)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Consider using DataTransferItemList instead of DataTransfer (#72)

[w3c/editing] `document.execCommand()` should do nothing when the document is invisible (#193)

[w3c/FileAPI] Modernize Blob constructor a tiny bit (#125)

[w3c/FileAPI] Refactor text() et al to share more infrastructure with Fetch (#133)

[w3c/IndexedDB] `getAll()` with both key and value (or index key and primary key) (#206)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Async LocalStorage (transactionless key-value API over IDB) (#91)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Backward-compatible schema changes are very hard (#282)

[w3c/IndexedDB] boolean should be a valid key (#76)

[w3c/IndexedDB] chore( now part of webapps WG (#267)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Crash for getAll() api in Electron (#274)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Define flush-to-disk guarantees and control (#50)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Definitions for IDBKeyRange lowerBound and upperBound aren't linked correctly. (#271)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Durable database writes (#99)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Editorial: Add note about close() being idempotent. (#281)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Editorial: Correct linking for IDBKeyRange lowerBound/upperBound (#272)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Editorial: Fix _includes link, add note. (#273)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Editorial: Replace flag set/unset with true/false. (#279)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Editorial: Simplify 'steps to' (#277)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Editorial: Simplify wording around async request invocation (#278)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Encrypted storage (#191)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Extract common steps of `IDBObjectStore`'s `put()` and`add()` (#261)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Factor common steps out of add()/put(). (#269)

[w3c/IndexedDB] getAll() will crash sometimes in Electron (#276)

[w3c/IndexedDB] IDBKeyRange.includes or IDBKeyRange._includes? (#270)

[w3c/IndexedDB] JSON schema specification (#64)

[w3c/IndexedDB] lastModifiedDate on File is not a thing (#215)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Security and Web Worker access for IndexedDB (#141)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Should it be clarified that `IDBDatabase.close()` is idempotent? (#222)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Specify keyPath sequence caching behavior on IDBObjectStore (#283)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Speculative getAllEntries() spec (#280)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Support queries retrieving disjoint sets of keys (#19)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Transaction storm in idb-transaction-commit explainer sample (#245)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Use Infra terms to simplify text. (#275)

[w3c/manifest] Add a `color_scheme` member to `ImageResource` (#758)

[w3c/manifest] Add Manifest option for specifying browser app picker behavior (#764)

[w3c/manifest] Add shortcuts feature to the explainer and spec (#768)

[w3c/manifest] Adding shortcuts to the explainer (#768)

[w3c/manifest] App shortcuts / actions (#582)

[w3c/manifest] Introduce main.html instead of manifest.webmanifest (#769)

[w3c/manifest] Is prefer_related_applications too simplistic? (#365)

[w3c/manifest] More restrictive standalone mode (#770)

[w3c/manifest] Support a way to update explicitly (#446)

[w3c/manifest] Support for deep integrations, e.g. OpenSearch (#421)

[w3c/manifest] Why does this spec replicate HTML features? (#97)

[w3c/permissions] Add "wake-lock" permission type (#192)

[w3c/permissions] Media autoplay permission (#150)

[w3c/pointerlock] add encrypted token (#46)

[w3c/pointerlock] chore: enable autopub (#44)

[w3c/pointerlock] Chore: Spec xref fixup (#45)

[w3c/push-api] chore(.travis): set up validation (#307)

[w3c/screen-orientation] fix(.travis.yml): use https for URL (#180)

[w3c/screen-orientation] Page visibility transition can fire when false/true/false happens within a frame (#179)

[w3c/selection-api] Add [Exposed] to all interfaces (#92)

[w3c/selection-api] Add beforeselectionchange event (#56)

[w3c/selection-api] chore: enable autopublish (#107)

[w3c/selection-api] chore: move meta charset (#108)

[w3c/selection-api] Define behavior for user action of "selecting all". (#105)

[w3c/selection-api] Define behavior for user action of selecting all text (#105)

[w3c/selection-api] Editorial: collapse is now exported by DOM spec (#109)

[w3c/selection-api] Editorial: collapsed is now exported by DOM spec (#109)

[w3c/selection-api] Fix recipient's email (#110)

[w3c/selection-api] Make setBaseAndExtent and other setter methods on Selection work with shadow DOM (#99)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] "Unregister" operation may be interrupted by `ServiceWorker#postMessage` (#1146)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] @alimsaeed2020 (#1439)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] A way to immediately unregister a service worker (#614)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Add a WPT test for credentialed requests in register()/update (#1435)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Add an option to include frozen documents. (#1442)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Add trailing '/' to example of max scope (#1422)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Adding self.serviceWorker to service workers. (#1426)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Bikeshed improvements to *force bypass cache for import scripts flag* (#1430)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Broken links to v1 (#1431)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Central algorithm for updating service worker state and registrations (#1416)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Check for Run Service Worker failure and disallow starting redundant workers. (#1419)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Create a Kill Service Workers algorithm (#1440)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Does changing updateViaCache mint a new ServiceWorkerRegistration or update them all? (#1189)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Experimenting with abortable algorithms (#1443)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Export "clear registration" (#1410)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Export the Clear Registration Algorithm (#1438)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Find a way for service workers to get their current state (#1077)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Fix early return value from Handle Fetch. (#1418)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Fixing a couple of bikeshed errors (#1425)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Fixing deploy (#1412)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Fixing link to "scope" and copying changes to v1. (#1413)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Fixing max scope to include trailing slash. (#1424)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Handle asynchronous modules (top-level await). (#1444)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] How can I pass or post params to sevirce worker on register or install? (#1441)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] How to create registration objects (#1445)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Improve "update via cache" and "worker type" in register algorithms. (#1411)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Improving service worker state (#1432)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] is the browser required to start the ServiceWorker for postMessage() if there is no message event handler? (#1200)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Kill resurrection (#1415)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] maxScopeString definition is missing the trailing '/' (#1423)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Missing task queuing (#1403)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Object equality of service worker registrations (#1420)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] oncurrentchange in test (#1421)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] One ServiceWorker object per service worker per realm (#1428)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Registering service workers for unique origins? (#1437)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Removing failed registrations (#1434)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] resurrected service workers don't fire an activate event which may break expectations (#1204)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] ServiceWorker, ServiceWorkerRegistration should be moved out of "Client Context" section (#1427)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should a SW persists across Discards/Reloads of the same page? (#1263)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should add a “script type” check in the register algorithm. (#1359)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should add “script type” and “update via cache” when check two jobs are equivalent. (#1358)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should register() trigger an update if only updateViaCache changes? (#1414)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should register() trigger byte-for-byte checking when WorkerType is updated? (#1408)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should the worker be removed from the registration *before* its state is set to "redundant"? (#1273)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should update() always reject if there is an installing worker? (#1429)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should update() called on an installing worker reject (as currently does?) (#1155)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should we restore the registration record removing step in Clear Registration? (#1433)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Top-level await integration for ServiceWorkers running modules (#1407)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Unify the event skipping algorithm when there is no event handler. (#1417)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Update order (#1436)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Use ASCII serialization for origins (#1142)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Use ASCII serialization for origins (#1151)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] What happens to the request body if the fetch isn't handled? (#1191)

[w3c/uievents] Broken links to Web IDL spec (#172)

[w3c/uievents] Change click/auxclick/contextment/dblclick event types to PointerEvent? (#235)

[w3c/uievents] Expose 'direction-inversion' in wheel events (#57)

[w3c/uievents] Fix references to Web IDL (#176)

[w3c/uievents] Should an element remain focused and receive key events if it's display:none-ed? (#236)

[w3c/uievents] Should an element remained focused and receive key events if it's display:none-ed? (#236)

[w3c/webcomponents] [idea] Expose and API for syncing attributes and properties (#823)

[w3c/webcomponents] [WebDriver] Testability of web components (#771)

[w3c/webcomponents] Add global reflecting attributes to ElementInternals? (#821)

[w3c/webcomponents] Custom 'void' or self-closing elements (HTML parser changes) (#624)

[w3c/webcomponents] Custom attribute names conflicting with built-in attribute names (#654)

[w3c/webcomponents] Discussion: child elements cannot determine whether they are "active" or not (#817)

[w3c/webcomponents] How to define APIs only for custom element authors (#758)

[w3c/webcomponents] In Shadow DOM v1, tabIndex=-1 makes all elements inside the shadow tree to be no tab-focusable (#774)

[w3c/webcomponents] Lazy Custom Element Definitions (#782)

[w3c/webcomponents] Resolve what elements of a page we look at for LayoutStability (#819)

[w3c/webcomponents] Shadow tree encapsulation and Element Timing (#816)

[w3c/webcomponents] Updating Element Registration. (#820)

[w3c/webcomponents] Using private fields and methods in template instantiation (#808)

[w3c/webcomponents] Workers and non-JavaScript modules (#822)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] `SameSite=Lax` by default. (#373)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] A toast UI element (#385)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] A toggle switch control element (#384)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Alternative Text for CSS Generated Content (#351)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Async Clipboard - image/delayed content (#350)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Backdrop Filter (#353)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Badging API (#387)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Contact API (#337)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Contact Picker API (#388)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Content Indexing (#379)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] CSS Animation Worklet API (#349)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Feature Policy JS introspection API (#292)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] FetchEvent.resultingClientId (#307)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] File Handling (#371)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Form Participation API (#305)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] JavaScript Memory API (#386)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] JavaScript WeakRefs (#321)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] JS Self-Profiling API (#366)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Native File System API (#390)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Pointerevent extension (#346)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Require markdown for explainers, and some more (#381)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] SMS Receiver API (#391)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Spatial Navigation (#287)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Storage Quota Usage Details (#365)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Top-level await (#376)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0 (#343)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Authentication Feature Detection (#383)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Bluetooth Scanning (#333)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web of Things (WoT) Architecture (#355)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description (#357)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebTransport (#389)

[whatwg/dom] A way for createAttribute() to bypass XML Name validation in HTML documents (#769)

[whatwg/dom] Add "disable shadow" flag check to Element.attachShadow() (#760)

[whatwg/dom] Add delegatesFocus init to attachShadow and flag to ShadowRoot (#768)

[whatwg/dom] Add note that "A ShadowRoot node has no parent." (#770)

[whatwg/dom] Allow custom "get the parent" algorithms for EventTargets (#583)

[whatwg/dom] Copy the DOM XPath interfaces from the WHATWG wiki (#763)

[whatwg/dom] Don't store is value when it won't be useful (#661)

[whatwg/dom] Export concept of collapsed (#764)

[whatwg/dom] Implementation status for DOMError? (#766)

[whatwg/dom] Pouri88 (#765)

[whatwg/dom] Proposal: a DocumentFragment whose nodes do not get removed once inserted (#736)

[whatwg/dom] Proposal: ParentNode.replaceAll() / ParentNode.replaceChildren() (#478)

[whatwg/dom] Review Draft Publication: June 2019 (#767)

[whatwg/encoding] Consider not running the validator on all the encoding tables? (#178)

[whatwg/encoding] Editorial: change remaining flags to booleans (#176)

[whatwg/encoding] Make decode() and encodeInto() accept SharedArrayBuffer-backed views (#172)

[whatwg/encoding] Review Draft Publication: June 2019 (#177)

[whatwg/encoding] Suppress bad-Unicode HTML checker warnings (#179)

[whatwg/fetch] Add a speculative flag to `Request` as well as related processing (#881)

[whatwg/fetch] CORS safelisting trace context header (#911)

[whatwg/fetch] Header to opt out of opaque redirect (#601)

[whatwg/fetch] Let Origin header honor referrer policy for non CORS request (#908)

[whatwg/fetch] Limit the length of the Referer header (#903)

[whatwg/fetch] More informative error types (#526)

[whatwg/fetch] Remove brief to unhide the note in fetch-redirect (#914)

[whatwg/fetch] Request's associated element (#912)

[whatwg/fetch] Review Draft Publication: June 2019 (#910)

[whatwg/fetch] Safelist request headers starting with `Sec-` (#880)

[whatwg/fetch] Transparency reports (#909)

[whatwg/fetch] Warning: header & stale-while-revalidate (#913)

[whatwg/fullscreen] How :fullscreen CSS pseudo class works in shadow dom? (#149)

[whatwg/storage] Add a Security and Privacy section. (#72)

[whatwg/storage] Add UsageDetails dictionary (#69)

[whatwg/storage] Allow 'session' bucket (#71)

[whatwg/storage] Multiple boxes (#2)

[whatwg/storage] Multiple buckets (#2)

[whatwg/streams] Add support for bulk write operation (#1003)

[whatwg/streams] Could a byte stream read directly into and out of a SAB (w/o transfer)? (#757)

[whatwg/streams] Should ReadableStreamDefaultReader be exposed? (#586)

[whatwg/streams] Switching to Web IDL (#963)

[whatwg/streams] WebIDL (#1002)

[whatwg/url] Added URLs column to table (#441)

[whatwg/url] Goal: Getting a fixed document release (#222)

[whatwg/url] Should URLSearchParams be [Serializable]? (#442)

[whatwg/xhr] Allow FormData constructor to accept array or object too (#202)

Last message date: Sunday, 30 June 2019 23:37:19 UTC