[w3c/IndexedDB] getAll() will crash sometimes in Electron (#276)

I have a table 'ccc' in indexeddb, and the count of the 'ccc' is more than 35k.
I want to get all data from ccc using getAll(). But sometimes it will crash.
**Note: once there is a crash, using getAll() to fetch the ccc data will crash always.**
**Workaround: clear the table 'ccc', then store data into indexeddb again, getAll() works fine.**

I tried two implementations, but both had this issue.
Code 1:
var connection = indexedDB.open('Aaa')
connection.onsuccess = (e) => {
    var db = e.target.result;
    var tr = db.transaction(['ccc'], 'readwrite');
    var objectStore = tr.objectStore('ccc')
    var request = objectStore.getAll();
    request.onsuccess = function() {
        const r = request.result;
        console.info(r && r.length);
Code 2:
Using Dexie.Collection toArray() api.

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