Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Kill resurrection (#1415)

jakearchibald commented on this pull request.

> @@ -2605,7 +2606,10 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix:
       1. Run the <a>Update Worker State</a> algorithm passing |registration|'s <a>installing worker</a> and *installing* as the arguments.
       1. Assert: |job|'s [=job/job promise=] is not null.
       1. Invoke [=Resolve Job Promise=] with |job| and |registration|.
-      1. <a>Queue a task</a> to <a>fire an event</a> named <code>updatefound</code> at all the {{ServiceWorkerRegistration}} objects for all the [=/service worker clients=] whose <a>creation URL</a> <a lt="Match Service Worker Registration">matches</a> |registration|'s [=service worker registration/scope url=] and all the [=/service workers=] whose <a>containing service worker registration</a> is |registration|.
+      1. Let |settingsObjects| be all [=environment settings objects=] whose [=environment settings object/origin=] is |registration|'s [=service worker registration/scope url=]'s origin.
+      1. For each |settingsObject| of |settingsObjects|, [=queue a task=] on |settingsObject| to run the following steps:
+          1. Let |registrationObjects| be every {{ServiceWorkerRegistration}} object in |settingsObject|'s [=environment settings object/realm execution context=], whose [=ServiceWorkerRegistration/service worker registration=] is |registration|.
+          1. For each |registrationObject| of |registrationObjects|, [=fire an event=] on |registrationObject| named `updatefound`.

I needed to fix the "Match Service Worker Registration" stuff here anyway, so I tried to make event firing a bit more explicit at the same time.

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