from August 2014 by subject

Addition to deliverables: Generating XForms or other UI from Shapes

blank slate

contrasing Resource Shapes and Shape Expressions [Was: Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4. Deliverables, Recommendation Track]

demonstrator to validate Description Set Profiles:

Graph normalization/canonicalization (was: regression testing [was Re: summarizing proposed changes to charter])

Human readable syntax a very bad wording (Proposed Charter Change)


Inferencing (was: Proposed change to the charter, section 4. Deliverables, Recommendation Track)

is shexc useful?

Moving forward

Proposed change to the charter

Proposed change to the charter, section 4. Deliverables, Recommendation Track

Readability in the face of complexity and internationalisation of human friendly syntaxes for constraints and documentation

regression testing [was Re: summarizing proposed changes to charter]

ShEx relation to SPIN/OWL

Shexc tied to XML?

SPIN Primer: Rectangles and Squares

SPIN use case: EPIM ReportingHub

Suggested charter changes

summarizing proposed changes to charter

Two papers about ShEx

Use Case: Instance Edit Forms

Validation and cool URIs

Validation results (Was Re: Moving forward)

W3C Data Cube spec uses SPARQL too

Wondering about an example of closed world validation

wording changes re normalization

Last message date: Friday, 22 August 2014 09:06:17 UTC