Re: blank slate

On 8/5/14, 11:23 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:
> Holger,
> Yes, your example is most likely understandable by anyone who does 
> some coding, without being a "semantic web engineer." Now the question 
> is: who creates this and how? And do they have to be fully versed in RDF?
To be honest, I believe the modern reality is that people create those 
things using copy and paste from sites such as StackOverflow. And that's 
not necessarily bad, and we all do it. As long as the common patterns 
are well documented snippets, nobody needs to understand the formal 
underpinnings, and the syntax allows them to ignore the attributes that 
they don't need. A good example of how to present this is the 
documentation, which includes copy-able snippets in various formats.

And I like the analogy of a gateway "drug", because anyone who cares to 
look deeper may have an easier path to understanding the RDF model too. 
This is IMHO more useful than pretending that RDF was XML and use 
RELAX-NG as the starting point.

But I am writing too much here, it would be good to hear other opinions.


Received on Tuesday, 5 August 2014 01:52:17 UTC