Re: Wondering about an example of closed world validation

fyi, Shapes is like SPARQL in that it applies to a set of triples. The set 
of triples may include triples added by a reasoner. There is no explicit 
interaction between Shapes and a reasoner.

Arthur Ryman, PhD

Chief Data Officer, Rational
Chief Architect, Portfolio & Strategy Management
Distinguished Engineer | Master Inventor | Academy of Technology

Toronto Lab | +1-905-413-3077 (office) | +1-416-939-5063 (mobile)

From:   "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <>
To:     Jose Emilio Labra Gayo <>, 
Cc:     Dimitris Kontokostas <>, 
Bernard Vatant <>, "" 
Date:   08/01/2014 01:54 PM
Subject:        Re: Wondering about an example of closed world validation

ShEx and Resource Shapes work on an RDF graph.  This does not mean that 
can be used in combination with a reasoner, even an RDF reasoner.  SPARQL 
entailment regimes, which specifies how SPARQL is supposed to work with 

Consider, for example, that there are infinitely many RDF consequences of 
finite RDF graph.  How do I run ShEx and Resource Shapes on an infinite 

Consider, for example, that the OWL consequences of a finite RDF graph are 

generally not representable as an RDF graph.  How do I combine ShEx or 
Resource Shapes with OWL?


PS:  The fixes to make ShEx and Resource Shapes to work with RDF and RDFS 
reasoning may not be all that hard, but I don't see any place that they 
been stated.

On 07/31/2014 10:32 PM, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo wrote:
>     Sure there are lots of ways of proceeding.  You may believe that
>     without-reasoning is better.  I may believe that with-reasoning is 
>     However, ShEx and Resource Shapes appear to only allow 
>     which I think is completely broken.
> That is not true, ShEx and Resource Shapes work independently of 
reasoning. As
> I said in another thread, they can be used in combination with a 
> It is similar to SPARQL, you would not say that SPARQL only allows
> without-reasoning, it is just independent of reasoning, which means that 
> can do SPARQL with or without a reasoner.
> In fact, the lightweight nature of ShEx means that it can be used before 
> after reasoning: before reasoning to check if you have the triples that 
> expect and after, to check if the reasoner added the triples that you 
> Best regards, Jose Labra

Received on Friday, 1 August 2014 19:27:42 UTC