Re: summarizing proposed changes to charter

+1 to Eric's proposed resolutions

Arthur Ryman, PhD

Chief Data Officer, Rational
Chief Architect, Portfolio & Strategy Management
Distinguished Engineer | Master Inventor | Academy of Technology

Toronto Lab | +1-905-413-3077 (office) | +1-416-939-5063 (mobile)

From:   "Eric Prud'hommeaux" <>
Cc:     Arnaud Le Hors <>
Date:   08/12/2014 08:56 PM
Subject:        summarizing proposed changes to charter

Hi all, we can have a face-to-face at the W3C Technical Plenary in
November if we can quickly endorse a good-enough charter.  As it
stands now, it isn't clear that the group will be able to reach
consensus within the Working Group, let alone get through the member
review without objection.

Please review the proposals that I've culled from the list.  I
encournage compromise on all our parts and we'll have to suppress the
desire to wordsmith. (Given the 3-month evaluation period,
wordsmithing won't change much anyways.)

separate semantics:

  "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <> - Message-ID: 
    A syntax and semantics for shapes specifying how to construct shape 
expressions and how shape expressions are evaluated against RDF graphs.
  "Dam, Jesse van" <> - Message-ID: 
    defining the the (direct) semantics meaning of shapes and defining the 
associated validation process.

  opposition: Holger Knublauch

  proposed resolution: include, noting that if SPARQL is judged to be 
useful for the semantics, there's nothing preventing us from using it.

make graph normalization optional or use-case specific:

  "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <> - Message-ID: 
    3 OPTIONAL A specification of how shape verification interacts with 
  Jeremy J Carroll <> - Message-Id: 
    the WG will consider whether it is necessary, practical or desireable 
to normalize a graph...
    A graph normalization method, suitable for  the use cases determined 
by the group....
  David Booth <> - Message-ID: 
    OPTIONAL - A Recommendation for normalization/canonicalization of RDF 
graphs and RDF datasets that are serialized in N-Triples and N-Quads. 
opposition - don't do it at all:
  "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <> - Message-ID: 
    the WG should not be working on this.

  proposed resolution: withdrawn, to go to new light-weight, focused WG, 
removing this text:
  The WG MAY produce a Recommendation for graph normalization.

mandatory human-facing language:

  "Dam, Jesse van" <> - Message-ID: 
    ShExC mandatory, but potentially as a Note.
  David Booth <> - Message-ID: 
    In Section 4 (Deliverables), change "OPTIONAL - Compact, 
human-readable syntax" to "Compact, human-readable syntax", i.e., make it 
  Jeremy J Carroll <> - Message-Id: 

  opposition - make it OPTIONAL
  "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <> - Message-ID: 
    OPTIONAL A compact, human-readable syntax for expressing shapes.

  proposed resolution: keep as OPTIONAL, not mentioning ShExC, but 
clarifying that it's different from the RDF syntax.

report formats:
  Dimitris Kontokostas <>
    provide flexible validation execution plans that range from:
      Success / fail
      Success / fail per constraint
      Fails with error counts
      Individual resources that fail per constraint
      And enriched failed resources with annotations

  proposed resolution: no change, noting that no one seconded this 

test suite/validator:

  Dimitris Kontokostas <>
    Validation results are very important for the progress of this WG and 
should be a standalone deliverable.
  David Booth <> - Message-ID: 
    Test Suite, to help ensure interoperability and correct 
implementation. The group will chose the location of this deliverable, 
such as a git repository.

  proposed resolution: leave from charter as WGs usually choose to do this 
anyways and it has no impact on IP commitments.


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