Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4. Deliverables, Recommendation Track

PROV is a complex recommendation.  The constraints aren't even done against 
RDF.  The SPIN solution by Paul Groth runs to 1340 lines.

I think that formalizing the PROV constraints in another constraint formalism 
would be a significant activity, and not easy at all.  This is not to say that 
this would not be valuable, but I don't think that making this a part of 
evaluation at this time is a good idea.


On 08/03/2014 01:30 AM, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote:
>  From my POV it would be more interesting to do a comparison in action by
> implementing PROV Constraints ( in all
> proposed solutions (ShEx, SPIN, Shapes, ICV, OWL).
> I think PROV is a nice use case because it has a moderate complexity and can
> reveal weaknesses / strengths in terms of expressivity, readability &
> compactness. A plus would be to capture the constraints of the PROV ontology
> in CWA.
> Paul Groth already made an attempt to port these constraints in SPIN [1] but I
> am not aware if these are complete or optimized.
> In addition this would be a great contribution to the PROV community.
> @Arthur, Eric, Jose
> It would be great if you could shed some light in the actual differences
> between ShEx and Shapes (besides the syntax and the property group extensions
> by ShEx)
> Best,
> Dimitris
> [1]

Received on Sunday, 3 August 2014 17:51:10 UTC