Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4. Deliverables, Recommendation Track

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Holger Knublauch <>

> A pragmatic proposal: I do believe there is consensus that this WG can
> potentially create some useful and relevant output that could lead to
> broader use cases for semantic web technology as a whole. There are several
> proposals on the table that are potentially complementary to each other.
> Assuming there are enough people who actually sign up for the work, why not
> produce multiple deliverables that cover more use cases?
> 1) Shapes + SPIN, with an explicit mandate to have semantics that are
> executable by SPARQL engines, from day one. The alternative would be ShEx
> and this could be figured out in the beginning of the WG. This deliverable
> would be like an extension to SPARQL.
> plus
> 2) OWL closed world semantics, so that existing OWL ontologies can be
> reused. This deliverable would basically be an "appendix" to the OWL 2 spec.
> This would allow the interest groups to stay on their home turf without
> blocking each other, because blocking each other would be the worst outcome
> of all. I see no technical difficulties with such as stack, because these
> technologies are complementary to each other: we use OWL closed world +
> SPIN all the time, and it works well in practice. In fact I believe both
> specifications have a good and stable starting point so that we could
> proceed with the process very swiftly.

>From my POV it would be more interesting to do a comparison in action by
implementing PROV Constraints ( in
all proposed solutions (ShEx, SPIN, Shapes, ICV, OWL).
I think PROV is a nice use case because it has a moderate complexity and
can reveal weaknesses / strengths in terms of expressivity, readability &
compactness. A plus would be to capture the constraints of the PROV
ontology in CWA.
Paul Groth already made an attempt to port these constraints in SPIN [1]
but I am not aware if these are complete or optimized.

In addition this would be a great contribution to the PROV community.

@Arthur, Eric, Jose
It would be great if you could shed some light in the actual differences
between ShEx and Shapes (besides the syntax and the property group
extensions by ShEx)



> Peter, would this be an acceptable direction for you?
> Thanks,
> Holger
> On 8/3/14, 9:14 AM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>> I have indicated that I am satisfied with the current mention of possible
>> solutions at the end of Section 3.
>> The work currently mentioned there is targeted towards RDF validation.  I
>> am not in favour of including work that is not targeted towards RDF
>> validation. If SPARQL fits into this category then I am not in favour of
>> including SPARQL in this part of the charter at all.
>> I have never indicated that all possible solutions have to be included in
>> the charter.  Suggesting this is just inflammatory.  I have never indicated
>> that no possible solutions can be included in the charter.  Suggesting this
>> is also inflammatory.
>> I am in favour of including multiple possible solutions, and in favour of
>> including the ones that I think have sufficient gravitas.
>> Why do you think that SPARQL should be given the prominent place in the
>> charter that it has in your suggested wording for deliverables?
>> peter
>> On 08/02/2014 03:37 PM, Irene Polikoff wrote:
>>> Sort of. I believe you are interpreting "a blank sheet" in a very
>>> literal sense of the words which is clearly not what I meant. Other than
>>> that, I wanted to clarify if you are saying:
>>> 1) It is OK to state the possible solution in the charter as long as it
>>> is not mentioned in the deliverables section or
>>> 2) It is OK to state the possible solution in the charter as long as it
>>> is not SPARQL or
>>> 3) The charter should not mention any possible solutions anywhere or
>>> 4) The charter should equally mention all possible solutions that may
>>> exist in the world irrespective of their maturity and the number of such
>>> possible alternatives or
>>> 5) some combination of the above or something else altogether
>>> Irene
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider []
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2014 6:11 PM
>>> To: Irene Polikoff; 'Arthur Ryman';
>>> Subject: Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4. Deliverables,
>>> Recommendation Track
>>> You indeed have misunderstood my position.
>>> I don't think that I have previously indicated that starting with a
>>> blank sheet is suboptimal, although I do agree that it is generally not a
>>> good idea.
>>>    No charter draft that I have seen does start with a blank sheet, so
>>> this is somewhat of a moot point.
>>> There are several implemented and deployed systems that claim to provide
>>> constraints for RDF.  Not all of them are given meaning in terms of SPARQL.
>>> There is new work that claims to provide constraints for RDF. It is not
>>> based on SPARQL at all.  I have seen no work showing that SPARQL is
>>> adequate as an underpinning of all these systems.  Under these
>>> circumstances I feel that it is completely wrong to have SPARQL mentioned
>>> at all in the deliverables of the working group.
>>> It this clear enough for you?
>>> peter
>>> On 08/02/2014 02:54 PM, Irene Polikoff wrote:
>>>> Peter,
>>>> I thought you agreed that starting with a blank sheet has proven to be
>>>> suboptimal to ensuring success of a working group and its timely progress.
>>>> And that while you were not against SPARQL per se, you were concerned with
>>>> mandating its use in case the working group finds that it does not satisfy
>>>> requirements.
>>>> Since my proposed wording addresses both of the issues, I must have
>>>> misunderstood your position.
>>>> Irene
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider []
>>>> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2014 5:09 PM
>>>> To: Irene Polikoff; 'Arthur Ryman';
>>>> Subject: Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4. Deliverables,
>>>> Recommendation Track
>>>> Again, your proposed wording goes far beyond simply mentioning a
>>>> possible solution.  Your proposed wording says that a particular approach
>>>> is to be followed unless it is shown to be inadequate.
>>>> I do not support this proposed wording.  I do support wording like what
>>>> is currently at the end of Section 3.
>>>> peter
>>>> On 08/02/2014 01:21 PM, Irene Polikoff wrote:
>>>>> Because it identifies a possible solution and says that if it proves
>>>>> to be inadequate, the working group will choose another approach. Thus, the
>>>>> prime candidate is identified, but the group is not mandated to use it.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider []
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2014 4:18 PM
>>>>> To: Irene Polikoff; 'Arthur Ryman';
>>>>> Subject: Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4. Deliverables,
>>>>> Recommendation Track
>>>>> Why would you think that this would be acceptable to me? This goes
>>>>> well beyond pointing at possible solutions or mentioning possible starting
>>>>> points.
>>>>> peter
>>>>> On 08/02/2014 01:13 PM, Irene Polikoff wrote:
>>>>>> Then, Arthur's strawman with the modification below should be
>>>>>> acceptable:
>>>>>> The WG MUST produce:
>>>>>> 1. A high-level RDF vocabulary that expresses commonly occurring
>>>>>> constraints.
>>>>>> 2. The semantics of the high-level constraints expressed in terms of
>>>>>> SPARQL or, if SPARQL proves to be unsuitable for the use cases determined
>>>>>> by the group, in an alternative language.
>>>>>> 3. An RDF extension mechanism for expressing additional constraints,
>>>>>> expressed in SPARQL.
>>>>>> The WG MAY produce:
>>>>>> 1. A new compact, human readable syntax for expressing constraints
>>>>>> with a corresponding semantics expressed in SPARQL or, if SPARQL proves to
>>>>>> be unsuitable for the use cases determined by the group, in an alternative
>>>>>> language.
>>>>>> 2. A specification of how constraint validation interacts with
>>>>>> inference.
>>>>>> 3. A specification for graph normalization.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> Irene
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider []
>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2014 1:17 AM
>>>>>> To: Irene Polikoff; 'Arthur Ryman';
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4.
>>>>>> Deliverables, Recommendation Track
>>>>>> I don't see much wrong in pointing at potential solutions, and even
>>>>>> less mentioning possible starting points, but that's not what the proposed
>>>>>> change to the charter is. Instead the proposed change mandates SPARQL as
>>>>>> the semantics of constraints.  I think that this is in advance of any
>>>>>> worked-out proposal for actually using SPARQL for this purpose.
>>>>>> If it turns out that SPARQL can be used to specify the semantics of
>>>>>> constraints, then it may be reasonable to use SPARQL for this purpose.
>>>>>> However, mandating SPARQL's use even before its suitability has been
>>>>>> demonstrated doesn't seem to me to be a good idea.
>>>>>> peter
>>>>>> On 08/01/2014 06:54 PM, Irene Polikoff wrote:
>>>>>>> Not necessarily. As Jeremy Carroll said in one of the previous
>>>>>>> e-mails "W3C experience indicates that a WG with a blank sheet at the
>>>>>>> beginning often delivers the wrong stuff, late - and the broad ship that
>>>>>>> sails ends up as a narrow clique on arrival".
>>>>>>> It is better to set a charter that identifies the prime candidate.
>>>>>>> As the work proceeds, the group may decide that the candidate doesn’t meet
>>>>>>> key requirements, but having initial stake in the ground is important to
>>>>>>> the effectiveness of the group, its ability to deliver on time and quality
>>>>>>> of its deliverables.
>>>>>>> Irene
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider []
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 5:53 PM
>>>>>>> To: Arthur Ryman;
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4.
>>>>>>> Deliverables, Recommendation Track
>>>>>>> All these arguments may be fine, but isn't that up to the working
>>>>>>> group to decide?
>>>>>>> peter
>>>>>>> On 08/01/2014 02:42 PM, Arthur Ryman wrote:
>>>>>>>> Peter,
>>>>>>>> Thx for the response. I'm glad that we agree on making the
>>>>>>>> compact, human-friendly syntax optional.
>>>>>>>> Here is my rationale for advocating for the use of SPARQL.
>>>>>>>> 1. We need to be precise about the meaning of constraints.
>>>>>>>> Therefore, we need to select some formalism for expressing the
>>>>>>>> semantics.
>>>>>>>> 2. The candidates for expressing semantics include:
>>>>>>>> 2.1 Natural language
>>>>>>>> 2.2 OWL ICV
>>>>>>>> 2.3 SPARQL
>>>>>>>> 2.4 Z
>>>>>>>> 2.5 some other existing formal language
>>>>>>>> 2.6 a new specification language that the wg invents
>>>>>>>> Pros and Cons
>>>>>>>> 2.1 Natural language is imprecise and non-executable
>>>>>>>> 2.2 OWL ICV is well-defined and executable, but not a W3C standard
>>>>>>>> and is not expressive enough as a general constraint language
>>>>>>>> 2.3 SPARQL is a W3C standard, is very expressive, and is
>>>>>>>> executable
>>>>>>>> 2.4 Z is very expressive but not well known and is non-executable
>>>>>>>> 2.5 There are many other formal specification languages. Does
>>>>>>>> anyone want to advocate for one?
>>>>>>>> 2.6 A new formalism - not the core focus of the workgroup.
>>>>>>>> 3. Some one will need to build a reference implementation. A
>>>>>>>> SPARQL implementation will be easy to build if the semantics of
>>>>>>>> the constraints are in SPARQL.
>>>>>>>> 4. We want the specification to be implemented and adopted. SPARQL
>>>>>>>> is a known quantity and many implementations exist.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> __________________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _____
>>>>>>>> Arthur Ryman, PhD
>>>>>>>> Chief Data Officer, Rational
>>>>>>>> Chief Architect, Portfolio & Strategy Management Distinguished
>>>>>>>> Engineer | Master Inventor | Academy of Technology
>>>>>>>> Toronto Lab | +1-905-413-3077 (office) | +1-416-939-5063 (mobile)
>>>>>>>> From:   "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <>
>>>>>>>> To:     Arthur Ryman/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA,,
>>>>>>>> Date:   08/01/2014 05:22 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject:        Re: Proposed change to the charter, section 4.
>>>>>>>> Deliverables, Recommendation   Track
>>>>>>>> I do agree that the emphasis in the charter on creating a
>>>>>>>> human-readable syntax is misplaced and that this deliverable
>>>>>>>> should be made optional. The proposal here, however, does very
>>>>>>>> much more than fixing this problem, and I view most of the other
>>>>>>>> changes in the proposal as undesirable.
>>>>>>>> Why should the group be required to specify semantics in terms of
>>>>>>>> SPARQL?
>>>>>>>> There hasn't even been anything to show that SPARQL is adequate
>>>>>>>> for this purpose.  Why should the group be required to specify two
>>>>>>>> ways of expressing constraints, and one of them be SPARQL itself?
>>>>>>>> There hasn't been anything to show that this division is needed.
>>>>>>>> Why should a human-readable syntax for constraints be new?  There
>>>>>>>> hasn't been anything to show that existing syntaxes are unsuitable
>>>>>>>> for this purpose.  I don't think that it is appropriate to tie the
>>>>>>>> hands of the working group in any of these ways.
>>>>>>>> I do agree that the group should be required to define the meaning
>>>>>>>> of constraints.  This was a peculiar lack in the deliverables.
>>>>>>>> So my proposal would be to change the recommendation track
>>>>>>>> deliverables to
>>>>>>>> something like:
>>>>>>>> 1. A syntax and semantics for shapes specifying how to construct
>>>>>>>> shape expressions and how shape expressions are evaluated against
>>>>>>>> RDF graphs.
>>>>>>>> 2. An RDF vocabulary for expressing these shapes in RDF triples,
>>>>>>>> so they can be stored, queried, analyzed, and manipulated with
>>>>>>>> normal RDF tools.
>>>>>>>> 3. OPTIONAL A specification of how shape verification interacts
>>>>>>>> with inference.
>>>>>>>> 4. OPTIONAL A compact, human-readable syntax for expressing shapes.
>>>>>>>> I would prefer the third deliverable to be required, but I'm not
>>>>>>>> going to complain if it is optional.
>>>>>>>> Although there are three syntaxes mentioned in these deliverables,
>>>>>>>> in keeping with the usual RDF situation there is nothing saying
>>>>>>>> that all of these three need to be different or even that they are
>>>>>>>> not all the same.  (Well, nothing beyond the implausibility of
>>>>>>>> using RDF triples as the basis of a compact, human-readable
>>>>>>>> syntax.)
>>>>>>>> peter
>>>>>>>> On 08/01/2014 12:44 PM, Arthur Ryman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The output of the wg is defined by its deliverables. Here is the
>>>>>>>>> current text [1]
>>>>>>>>> Recommendation Track:
>>>>>>>>> 1.      Compact, human readable syntax for expressing constraints
>>>>>>>>> on RDF
>>>>>>>>> graph patterns (aka shapes), suitable for the use cases
>>>>>>>>> determined by
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> group. This syntax might be a variation of an existing standard,
>>>>>>>>> such as templates for SPARQL, or something new, such as ShExC.
>>>>>>>>> 2.      An RDF vocabulary, such as Resource Shapes 2.0, for
>>>>>>>>> expressing
>>>>>>>>> these shapes in RDF triples, so they can be stored, queried,
>>>>>>>>> analyzed,
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> manipulated with normal RDF tools.
>>>>>>>>> The WG MAY produce a Recommendation for graph normalization.
>>>>>>>>> This text is not acceptable to IBM because of the primary
>>>>>>>>> emphasis it places on defining a possibly new compact, human
>>>>>>>>> readable syntax.
>>>>>>>>> I believe this concern has been expressed repeatedly by many
>>>>>>>>> people on the mailing list. Many people have indicated a strong
>>>>>>>>> preference for
>>>>>>>> building
>>>>>>>>> on existing standards. However, we have not seen any
>>>>>>>>> corresponding modification of the charter. I'd therefore like to
>>>>>>>>> propose a strawman change to this section of the charter and
>>>>>>>>> invite comment.
>>>>>>>>> Here is the proposed new text:
>>>>>>>>> The WG MUST produce:
>>>>>>>>> 1. A high-level RDF vocabulary that expresses commonly occurring
>>>>>>>>> constraints.
>>>>>>>>> 2. The semantics of the high-level constraints expressed in terms
>>>>>>>>> of SPARQL.
>>>>>>>>> 3. An RDF extension mechanism for expressing additional
>>>>>>>>> constraints, expressed in SPARQL.
>>>>>>>>> The WG MAY produce:
>>>>>>>>> 1. A new compact, human readable syntax for expressing
>>>>>>>>> constraints with
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> corresponding semantics expressed in SPARQL.
>>>>>>>>> 2. A specification for graph normalization.
>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>  ____________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>> ______
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _____
>>>>>>>>> Arthur Ryman, PhD
>>>>>>>>> Chief Data Officer, Rational
>>>>>>>>> Chief Architect, Portfolio & Strategy Management Distinguished
>>>>>>>>> Engineer | Master Inventor | Academy of Technology
>>>>>>>>> Toronto Lab | +1-905-413-3077 (office) | +1-416-939-5063 (mobile)

Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Research Group:

Received on Sunday, 3 August 2014 08:31:41 UTC