Human readable syntax a very bad wording (Proposed Charter Change)

Hi all,

Kendall, you are actually raising a key issue with the draft charter of 
today (v1.47).

Human readable syntax is a terrible goal for a standard optional or 
required. This goal does not determine which humans and in which 
context, making it completly open ended. Formally the problem is 
bassically defined as a syntax decipherable by an sufficiently
advanced intelligence. You could use egyptian hieroglyphs instead of 
ascii text and it would be "human readable".

It is also bad because it confuses a user interface with a data 
interchange format. This is not a good idea in my experience.

I think, the charter should be changed in that deliverable to actually 
reflect what a signigicant portion of the community really needs.
Methods to represent constraints to users in graphical and textual forms.

Therefore this section
   1. Compact, human readable syntax for expressing constraints on RDF
      graph patterns (aka shapes), suitable for the use cases determined
      by the group. This syntax might be a variation of an existing
      standard, such as templates for SPARQL, or something new, such as
or the variant proposed by IBM
   1. A new compact, human readable syntax for expressing constraints
      with a corresponding semantics expressed in SPARQL.

Should be replaced with something like this
   1. A tech report on representing constraints and models to user using
      text and graphics, taking into consideration internationalization
      and accessibility. This tech report should discuss for example how
      Class/Entity diagrams can be generated from a Shapes definition.


On 07/08/14 00:41, Kendall Clark wrote:
> It's kind of weird that SPARQL isn't considered a "human readable
> syntax" by the charter; and it'll be interesting to see this WG do
> better than DAWG did making *another* syntax for all of SPARQL.
> Good luck!
> Cheers,
> Kendall
> On Wednesday, August 6, 2014, Jerven Bolleman
> < <>> wrote:
>     Hi All,
>     This is just food for thought to be considered by the WG when it forms.
>     The key ideas are:
>       * complexity needs to be managed not ignored.
>       * internationalisation must be considered when talking about human
>     friendly syntaxes.
>     For those worried about human readable syntax feel free to skip to
>     the bottom, before deciding
>     if you want to read all of this long mail.
>     Recently we had a small example of a validation/documentation
>     requirement.
>     I showed how it looked in a number of syntaxes.
>     In ShEX Compact
>     <WebServicePersonShape> {
>        rdf:type foaf:Person ,
>        foaf:name xsd:string ,
>        foo:email xsd:string ,
>        foo:phone xsd:string *
>     }
>     In ShEx RDF
>     <WebServicePersonShape> a rs:ResourceShape ;
>         rs:property  [ rs:occurs              rs:Exactly-one .  ;
>                        rs:propertyDefinition  foaf:name ;
>                        rs:valueShape          foaf:Person ],
>                       [ rs:occurs              rs:Exactly-one ;
>                        rs:propertyDefinition  foo:email ;
>                        rs:valueShape          foaf:Person ] ,
>                       [ rs:occurs              rs:Zero-or-many ;
>                        rs:propertyDefinition  foo:phone ;
>                        rs:valueShape          foaf:Person ] .
>     In SPIN turtle
>     foaf:person a owl:Class;
>     spin:constraint [ spl:predicate foaf:name ;
>                        spl:count 1 ] ,
>                      [ spl:predicate foo:email ;
>                        spl:count 1 ] ,
>                      [ spl:predicate foo:phone ;
>                        spl:minCount 0 ] .
>     Now we change the requirements very slightly. Instead of any string
>     being acceptable as e-mail we need to ensure
>     it is actually a valid e-mail for an employee in our organisation.
>     How would you determine what is a valid e-mail for an employee in a
>     organisation?
>     The first approach is to say that it has to match a specific regex.
>     e.g. for the university I went to any e-mail
>     address of an employee needs to match the regex “
>     <>^”.
>     Lets try that in ShEx compact shall we.
>     <WebServicePersonShape> {
>        rdf:type foaf:Person ,
>        foaf:name xsd:string ,
>        foo:email IRI %sparql{ ?s foo:email ?mbox . FILTER
>     (REGEX(str(?mbox), “ <>^”) %}
>        foo:phone xsd:string *
>     }
>     And in spin turtle
>     foaf:person a owl:Class;
>     spin:constraint [ spl:predicate foaf:name ;
>                        spl:count 1 ] ,
>                      [ spl:predicate foo:email ;
>                        spl:count 1 ] ,
>                      [ sp:text “ASK{?s foo:email ?mbox . FILTER
>     (!(REGEX(str(?mbox), “ <>^”)) }"
>                      [ spl:predicate foo:phone ;
>                        spl:minCount 0 ] .
>     This can be simplified again with a template library e.g. similar to
>     of the ones given at [1].
>     our-company:employee-email
>            a       spin:Template ;
>            rdfs:comment "This template check a IRI to be a valid
>     employee e-mail property ?arg1."@en ;
>            rdfs:label "syntax check in all instances:  valid employee
>     email"@en ;
>            spin:body
>                    [ sp:text """CONSTRUCT {
>                       _:b0 a spin:ConstraintViolation .
>                       _:b0 spin:violationRoot ?s .
>                       _:b0 spin:violationPath ?arg1 .
>                      }
>                      WHERE {
>                       ?arg1 foo:email ?mbox .
>                       FILTER (!(REGEX(str(?mbox), “
>     <>^”))
>                      }""" ;
>     So now the spin turtle becomes
>     foaf:person a owl:Class;
>     spin:constraint [ spl:predicate foaf:name ;
>                        spl:count 1 ] ,
>                      [ spl:predicate foo:email ;
>                        spl:count 1 ;
>                        a our-company:employee-email] ,
>                      [ spl:predicate foo:phone ;
>                        spl:minCount 0 ] .
>     Which is more likely to be readable to the “business” users.
>     The second advantage of this kind of approach is that these
>     templates are maintainable independently from the rules themselves.
>     This becomes even more the case when the validation starts to be
>     more complicated.
>     Few companies have a clean separation between e-mails addresses for
>     employees and mailing lists.
>     However, most do have a LDAP or equivalent system. Assuming Squirrel
>     RDF for LDAP[2] is still working
>     a system can adapt that as an information source.
>     Shex now turns into this.
>     <WebServicePersonShape> {
>        rdf:type foaf:Person ,
>        foaf:name xsd:string ,
>        foo:email IRI %sparql{ ?s foo:email ?mbox .
>     SERVICE<ourcompanyLdap>{ ?employee foaf:mbox ?mbox ; a :Employee }) %}
>        foo:phone xsd:string *
>     }
>     While the SPIN solution stays like this.
>     foaf:person a owl:Class;
>     spin:constraint [ spl:predicate foaf:name ;
>                        spl:count 1 ] ,
>                      [ spl:predicate foo:email ;
>                        spl:count 1 ;
>                        a our-company:employee-email] ,
>                      [ spl:predicate foo:phone ;
>                        spl:minCount 0 ] .
>     The SPIN solution can be made more compact if it had more predicates
>     e.g.
>     foaf:person a owl:Class;
>     shape:hasOne  [ spl:predicate foaf:name  ] ,
>                    [ a our-company:employee-email ] .
>     shape:some    [ spl:predicate foo:phone ] .
>     Compare this to the compact ShEx form? Is the SPIN one that bad?
>     Now on internationalisation. I suggest the following strawman
>     syntaxes, replace each IRI with the rdfs:label in
>     the users language e.g. the above SPIN syntax “translated” into english.
>     “A person” “is a” “Class” ;
>                 “has one” [ “property” “name” ] ,
>                           [ “is a” “Has a company e-mail address" ] ;
>                 “might have” [ “property” “Phone number" ] .
>     And dutch
>     “Een persoon” “is een” “Klasse” ;
>                    “heeft een” [ “eigenschap” “naam” ] ,
>                                [ “is een” “Heeft een bedrijf e-mail
>     adres” ] ;
>                    “heeft mogelijk” [“eigenschap” “telefoon nummer” ] .
>     A consequence of this syntax per language choice is that it can not
>     be used for interchange.
>     i.e. its only a UI not ever a storage format.
>     Regards,
>     Jerven
>     [1]
>     [2]
>     -------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Jerven Bolleman <javascript:;>
>     SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics      Tel: +41 (0)22 379 58 85
>     CMU, rue Michel Servet 1               Fax: +41 (0)22 379 58 58
>     1211 Geneve 4,
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>     Follow us at!/uniprot
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Jerven Bolleman              
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics  Tel: +41 (0)22 379 58 85
CMU, rue Michel Servet 1               Fax: +41 (0)22 379 58 58
1211 Geneve 4,
Switzerland -
Follow us at!/uniprot

Received on Thursday, 7 August 2014 07:30:22 UTC