from June 2013 by thread

Blog on Linked Data Ashok Malhotra (Friday, 28 June)

LDP agenda for July 1 Arnaud Le Hors (Thursday, 27 June)

Fw: Linked Data Glossary is published! Arnaud Le Hors (Thursday, 27 June)

Blog post about W3C LDP working group F2F3 Cody Burleson (Saturday, 22 June)

RDF Patch - Recording changes to an RDF Dataset Andy Seaborne (Saturday, 22 June)

LDP Minutes for June 20 Arnaud Le Hors (Thursday, 20 June)

Reminder to send reference "on blank nodes" describing problems with blank nodes Cody Burleson (Thursday, 20 June)

LDP Minutes for June 19 Arnaud Le Hors (Wednesday, 19 June)

PROPOSAL for ISSUE-66, a way to detect the ldp:Container has updated during pagination Steve Speicher (Wednesday, 19 June)

evolution of bugs graph Roger Menday (Wednesday, 19 June)

LDP minutes for June 18 Arnaud Le Hors (Wednesday, 19 June)

document/thing separation in Primer … Roger Menday (Monday, 17 June)

LDP-Server - Issue-58 Henry Story (Wednesday, 12 June)

[W3C LDP WG] Review of the "Linked Data Platform Use Cases and Requirements" document... Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez (Wednesday, 12 June)

LDP Minutes of June 10 Arnaud Le Hors (Wednesday, 12 June)

Discovery/Affordances Arnaud Le Hors (Monday, 10 June)

Issue-80: Post media types usable for Create; background for proposal John Arwe (Friday, 7 June)

ldp-ISSUE-80 (post create media type): How does a client know which POST requests create new resources [Linked Data Platform Spec] Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Issue Tracker (Friday, 7 June)

LDP agenda for June 10 Arnaud Le Hors (Friday, 7 June)

An IRC discussion with Alexandre Bertails re SSUE-19: Henry Story (Wednesday, 5 June)

Issue-51 of the open issues at risk Roger Menday (Tuesday, 4 June)

Regrets Cody Burleson (Tuesday, 4 June)

LDP Minutes of June 3 Arnaud Le Hors (Monday, 3 June)

Re: First draft of test cases Raúl García Castro (Monday, 3 June)

Re: LDP agenda for June 3 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Monday, 3 June)

updated ISSUE-71: membershipX description Henry Story (Monday, 3 June)

Re: ISSUE-79 ldp:contains John Arwe (Monday, 3 June)

Re: ldp-ISSUE-75 (monotonicity): rdf:membershipProperty makes LDP PATCHing non-monotonic [Linked Data Platform core] John Arwe (Monday, 3 June)

Last message date: Saturday, 29 June 2013 02:11:36 UTC