Re: document/thing separation in Primer Š

hello roger.

On 2013-06-17 16:33 , "Roger Menday" <> wrote:
>An important topic is the separation between document and thing. We
>understand that this should be explained carefully, in a way which keeps
>the attention of new people (perhaps people without a LD/semweb
>background). We need to find a balance here. One proposal would be to
>conflate document and thing for the first part of the Primer, and then
>introduce the separation later on. Thoughts ?

what kingsley said and: don't overcomplicate matters. unfortunately,
httpRange-14 is still alive and kicking, but maybe would be worth citing
as well, it's a more pragmatic approach. in the end, it's just a design
decision what you advance to thingness (and thus decide to identify with
URIs) in your scenario.

from my personal experience in explaining this matters, the biggest
mistake you can possibly make is to repeat the httpRange-14 world view
that the world is separated into these two distinct realms of *information
resources* and *all other things*. i would follow kingsleys advice here
and just say that identity matters, and that anything that is deemed
worthy of having an identity should be made identifiable by URI.



Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 00:24:41 UTC