Re: ISSUE-79 ldp:contains

Most (vast majority) of my clients *do not care* if a member was created 
by the container or are simply listed as members but exist independently 
(quite possibly existing prior to the container itself).  It's a 
completely irrelevant (to those clients) who consider "who created it" to 
be an implementation detail.  They are going to want to update the members 
(hence the r/w part), for sure.

The way the spec is written reflects this notion of membership.  I don't 
care personally if you wish to add a contains relation.  For the 
implementations of interest to me it is, so far, completely extraneous but 
I have no trouble imagining a place for it.

I can tell at this point that anything else I would say falls on deaf 
ears, so </end>

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

Received on Monday, 3 June 2013 04:54:13 UTC